Artículo técnico

Meat Packaging Film

Artículo técnico

Chemical Analysis of Backroom Film

Meat Packaging Film White Paper
Meat Packaging Film White Paper

Consumables matter for long-term cost of ownership return on investment.

METTLER TOLEDO utilizes its expertise in scientific anlysis to present the chemical degredation of various quality films, and the impact that harsh backroom environmental factors have on film properties.

The fundamental properties of film are imperceptible to the human eye. Therefore, in order to learn more about those properties, METTLER TOLEDO collaborated with a research team of experts in their respective fields of retail and laboratory analysis. The team subjected films from various suppliers to thorough examination and researched the operational interaction between each film and the wrapping machine. The following white paper provides insight into the most important attributes and quality factors of film, and the effect that these have on the performance and total cost of ownership of wrapping machines. You will learn more about the correct handling of film material and approaches to process optimization when working with film.

Learn how to optimize backroom efficiencies with selecting proper consumables that will lower total cost of ownership of backroom wrapping equipment. 

Film has an impact on the performance in the backroom.

Wrapping machine film enables grocery retailers to package food directly in-store and hence provide their customers with a continually fresh product offering. However, the quality of the film has a significant impact on backroom performance. The right packaging film not only improves wrapping machine reliability and process efficiency, but also ensures that the fresh food products have optimal shelf-life and appeal.

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