Industrial metal detectors for the food industry

Metal Detectors for the Food Industry

Industrial metal detection for food industry regulations and compliance

A metal detector for food is a specialized device used in the food industry to detect metal contaminants in food products. Metal fragments can unintentionally find their way into food during the manufacturing process from broken machinery or the accidental introduction of foreign objects. Our line of industrial metal detectors for food processing settings can help prevent this serious food safety issue.

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Profile Advantage Metal Detector

Safeline's most advanced food metal detector, which delivers up to 50 percent improved sensitivity when inspecting wet, hot, chilled, cooling, or metal film-packed products.

Multi Simultaneous
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5.7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M31R

Next generation industrial metal detector delivers high sensitivity with ease of use to deliver affordable quality control. Suitable for dry or wet product inspection.

up to 300 kHz
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7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M33R

Next generation industrial metal detector offers a step-change in performance and very high sensitivity. Suitable for dry or deep frozen products inspection.

up to 600 kHz
IP Rating
7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M34R

Next generation industrial metal detector with Dual-Simultaneous Frequency (DSF) technology offering very high sensitivity. Ideal for wet or metal film-packed products inspection.

Dual Simultaneous
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7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M33RB

Next generation industrial metal detector offers a step-change in performance and very high sensitivity. Suitable for large (25kg/50kg) bulk product inspection.

up to 600 kHz
IP Rating
7" Touchscreen
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Profile Compact Metal Detector

An advanced metal detection system for small, packed product applications - fully optimized for insertion in tight spaces within production lines.

up to 800 kHz
IP Rating
5.7" Touchscreen
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Why is metal detection important in the food industry?

Metal detection is an essential part of the food industry's quality control process. It provides confidence to manufacturers that their food products are safe, compliant, and of high quality. Metal detectors are used at Critical Control Points (CCP) at various stages of food production – at the beginning to inspect raw material before further value is added to the product and to protect expensive equipment from damage, at midway points when metal fragments are more likely to enter the product via fragile equipment breakages or other accidental foreign object contamination, and at the end of the line prior to shipping to prevent metal contaminated products from reaching consumers and posing a serious health risk. Using metal detectors for food processing helps manufacturers comply with regulatory requirements, maintain consumer trust, and avoid brand-damaging and expensive product recalls.

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Can metal detectors be used on all types of food products?

Metal detectors can be used on a variety of food products, including dry and wet products, packaged and unpackaged products, and products with different textures and densities. Certain factors, such as high moisture or salt content, can affect the sensitivity of the metal detector leading to what is known as "product effect". Our Profile Advantage metal detector is an excellent solution to battling this costly interference and potential false rejects.

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What types of metal can be detected by metal detectors in the food industry?

The most common types of metallic contamination include:

  • Ferrous (iron)
  • Non-ferrous (brass, copper, aluminum, lead)
  • Various types of stainless steel (magnetic and non-magnetic)

Of the three types listed above, ferrous metal is generally the easiest to detect, while stainless steel alloys (extensively used in the food industry), are often the most difficult to detect, especially common non-magnetic grades such as 216 and 304.

Non-ferrous metals, such as brass, copper, aluminum and lead, usually fall between these two extremes, although in larger metal detectors operated at higher frequencies, nonferrous metal can be harder to find than non-magnetic stainless steel.

When the right metal detector is used for the likely metal contaminant type, you will be more successful in detecting metal contaminants in food.

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How do metal detectors work in the food industry?

Metal detecting in the food industry works by passing food products through the metal detector aperture, which uses an electromagnetic field to detect for the presence of metallic objects. When the electromagnetic field encounters a metal fragment, it creates a disturbance that is detected by the metal detector, which then signals the presence of a potential contaminant.

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