Industrial Metal Detectors for the Sugar Industry

Metal detection systems designed to enhance the quality and safety of sugar products

An industrial metal detector for the sugar industry is specialized equipment commonly used in sugar processing plants and refineries to inspect sugar products for ferrous and non-ferrous metal contaminants. We specialize in industrial metal detectors for the sugar industry that can support compliance with food industry standards, increase manufacturing efficiency, and help protect your brand.

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Industry Segment: Sugar Starch and Yeastx
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Industry Segment: Sugar Starch and YeastxClear All
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Profile Advantage Metal Detector

Safeline's most advanced food metal detector, which delivers up to 50 percent improved sensitivity when inspecting wet, hot, chilled, cooling, or metal film-packed products.

Multi Simultaneous
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5.7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M31R

Next generation industrial metal detector delivers high sensitivity with ease of use to deliver affordable quality control. Suitable for dry or wet product inspection.

up to 300 kHz
IP Rating
7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M33R

Next generation industrial metal detector offers a step-change in performance and very high sensitivity. Suitable for dry or deep frozen products inspection.

up to 600 kHz
IP Rating
7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M34R

Next generation industrial metal detector with Dual-Simultaneous Frequency (DSF) technology offering very high sensitivity. Ideal for wet or metal film-packed products inspection.

Dual Simultaneous
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7" Touchscreen
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Metal Detector M33RB

Next generation industrial metal detector offers a step-change in performance and very high sensitivity. Suitable for large (25kg/50kg) bulk product inspection.

up to 600 kHz
IP Rating
7" Touchscreen
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Profile Compact Metal Detector

An advanced metal detection system for small, packed product applications - fully optimized for insertion in tight spaces within production lines.

up to 800 kHz
IP Rating
5.7" Touchscreen
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How do industrial metal detectors for sugar products work?

Our industrial metal detectors for the sugar industry can inspect your sugar products along the production line, and reject any metal contaminants that are detected. These metal detectors are designed using a balanced-coil system, which allows for metal contaminants to be detected with a magnetic field.

When sugar products pass through the aperture, each product will be inspected for foreign metallic bodies. Should any metal contamination be detected, the fully automated industrial metal detection system can then reject the contaminated product using a variety of advanced reject devices such as a reject arm, diverter, or a lift-flap.

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What metal contaminants can be found in sugar products?

There are various metal contaminants that can make their way into your sugar applications through different methods, such as:

  • Broken machinery, such as cutting blades, entering the production line
  • Maintenance contaminants like washers or bolts entering the products
  • Personal effects like jewelry and paperclips accidentally entering the products

This is why many sugar manufacturers use metal detection for detecting metal inclusions in industrial processes. Metal detection systems can help enhance the safety and quality of products by detecting and rejecting these metal contaminants.

Do all industrial metal detectors for the sugar industry work the same way?

We offer a variety of industrial metal detectors for the sugar industry that are designed to inspect different types of applications.

For example, our conveyor belt metal detectors can inspect sugar products being manufactured along a conveyorized production line. Our gravity fall metal detectors and vertical throat metal detectors can inspect free-falling sugar products before they are packaged.

View our range of industrial metal detectors for the sugar industry to find the system that’s suitable for your unique sugar applications.

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Why is it important to use an industrial metal detector for the sugar industry?

Using an industrial metal detector for the sugar industry is highly important for a number of reasons, including:

  • To improve your quality control and provide a minimized risk of metal contaminants being found in your sugar products that reach the market
  • To help support compliance with industry standards for metal detection and other food industry standards, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 22000 Food Safety Management regulations
  • To help protect your brand and reduce the chances of sugar products in the market being affected by metal contamination or harmful to consumers

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