可持续发展白皮书 |
我的公司运营可持续性如何? 我的产品范围可持续性如何? 可持续发展的主题为食品零售商带来了挑战和机遇。 在食品杂货行业竞争如此激烈的环境中,可持续发展可以成为品牌工具,并有助于创造竞争优势。
在过去几年中,除了质量和成本等传统的绩效因素之外,对企业管理和展示其环境还有社会活动的期望也有所提高。 这些期望来自广泛的利益相关者,包括投资者,员工,商业伙伴,监管机构和社区。 因此,许多公司现在都在谈论通过理解和推动“三重底线”的改善来提高他们的“可持续发展”绩效:他们的环境管理和社会责任以及他们的财务绩效目标。 对于一些公司而言,可持续发展正在成为核心业务战略的一部分,因为他们正在实施一系列计划来推动创新和绩效。
Building Sustainability into the Business
This white paper contains numerous examples of food retailers’ sustainability initiatives, illustrates trends and summarizes where the sector is today – and which role it can play in encouraging efforts to further improve sustainability. It also offers insight into how METTLER TOLEDO, as the world’s largest provider of weighing instruments for use in laboratory, industrial and food retailing applications, pursues its sustainability strategy. Finally, the paper examines how equipment manufacturers can help food retailers to achieve their sustainability goals in practice, and provides several brief examples of best practices within the grocery sector.