高压差示扫描量热仪(HP DSC)

高压差示扫描量热仪(HP DSC)

可在高压下进行DSC 测量,更好地模拟实际反应环境。



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HP DSC 2+ Product Brochure
Increased pressure is a factor that influences all physical changes and chemical reactions in which a change in volume occurs. For material testing, p...
STARe 超越系列软件 产品样本
The Future of Thermal Analysis Brochure
梅特勒-托利多的超越系列热分析系统为各种科研和工业应用提供了量身定制的解决方案。该系列包括 DSC、TGA、TMA 和 DMA 等技术,其优异的性能和创新技术将有助您走向所在领域前沿,并确保您获得高水平的瑞士品质、准确性及效率。


HP DSC2+ (pdf - 2 MB)
DMA 1 产品样本
动态热机械分析(DMA)是一种测试材料机械性能和粘弹性能的重要技术,可用于热塑性树 脂、热固性树脂、弹性体、陶瓷和金属等材料的研究。在DMA中,可以使用不同的形变模式 使样品经受周期性变化的应力,从而可以得到力的振幅、位移的振幅以及相位差这三个物 理量与温度、时间及频率之间的函数关系。


TGA 吸附系统 数据页
TGA吸附系统支持在最高达150 °C的温度预调节样品,并连续或分步提高或降低相对湿度。 还可同时测量吸附焓并分析吸附结果。因此,TGA吸附系统是业内吸附分析最通用的仪器之一。
Datasheet: TGA-EGA
TGA-MS、TGA-FTIR、TGA-GC/MS 和 TGA-Micro GC/MS 是可同时获得定量(质量分析、吸光度)和定性(鉴定、气体特性曲线)信息的强大技术。
热重-质谱(TGA-MS)材料分析仪 数据页
DSC-光量热系统 数据页
光量热附件与梅特勒托利多DSC X 或DSC 82X 结合使用,并将DSC的应用范围扩展 到光固化领域,通常用于光引发反应的研究。
Datasheet: The MultiSTAR DSC Sensor Family
The sensor is the heart of any DSC measuring cell. Ideally, a modern DSC sensor should be very sensitive, have a fast response, a flat baseline, and y...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Repair Service
Fast intervention and turnaround time is the key to maximizing your thermal analysis system’s uptime. Learn about our expert manufacturer repair servi...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Training Service
From basic to expert, on-site to online, discover the ideal thermal analysis training for laboratory technicians and research scientists.
Datasheet: Comprehensive Installation / Qualification - Thermal Analysis Service
Operational and functional testing procedures are performed and documented on site by an authorized service specialist.
Datasheet: TMA-Sorption System
This datasheet details the main features and benefits of the TMA-Sorption option. Real world application examples show what type of measurement can be...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Services
METTLER TOLEDO offers a wealth of educational resources for thermal analysis, including webinars, e-trainings, videos and over 600 published applicati...

More Information

Datasheet: nth Order Kinetics
Kinetic models are suitable for the analysis and simulation of chemical reactions. The software option calculates kinetic parameters based on one or m...
Datasheet: Model Free Kinetics
Model Free Kinetics (MFK) allows you to predict reaction behavior under different conditions, where measurements are difficult to perform or where the...



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Thermal Analysis Applications for the Petrochemical Industry
Heat capacity determination of metals above 700 °C