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该网上技术交流讲座介绍了符合食品安全标准和法规的主要因素。 重点介绍了不合规风险以及制定全面的食品安全计划的好处。 随后介绍了您的产品检测设备生产商通过服务支持降低不合规风险的七种方法。

Bell Food Group

汉堡肉饼的 X 射线检测

在这个 X 射线检测系统案例研究中,肉类加工企业 Bell Food Group 需要检测其汉堡肉饼中的各种异物,还要能够发现产品错误和可见缺陷,如肉饼重叠、小洞、凹痕和产品碎片等。

案例研究| Longhini香肠公司

Longhini通过两台Profile Advantage金属检测机

该免费案例研究详细介绍了Longhini如何通过安装梅特勒托利多的两台全新Profile Advantage金属检测机,确保了最终产品质量。

Giersch 产品口味和质量

Giersch 产品口味和质量

Giersch GmbH & Co. 位于韦斯特尔卡佩尔恩的 KG 生产高质量的肉制品和香肠。 该公司对质量的专注有赖于梅特勒托利多金属检测技术,它能提供较安全的产品。

Black Pudding 公司

Bury Black Pudding 公司获得成功

Bury Black Pudding 公司生产并销售较优质的血肠,为英国和国际食品市场服务。

Is inspecting meat mandatory?

Yes, meat inspection is mandatory in most countries. For example, in the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires inspection of all meat products intended for commercial sale. This is for assurance that meat products meet safety and quality standards before reaching consumers.

Food manufacturers are heavily influenced by global food safety standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and associated initiatives including BRCGS, International Featured Standard (IFS), Food Safety System Certification (FSSC 22000) and Safe Quality Food (SQF).

Local regulations such as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in the USA, ANVISA in Brazil, and the Food Standards Act in Europe also play key roles in ensuring that the food produced is safe for consumption.

Does the FDA inspect meat?

While the FDA oversees the safety of most food and drug products in the United States, they are not in charge of inspecting meat, poultry, or processed egg products - that is the responsibility of the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).

The FDA does, however, regulate some aspects of meat production such as animal feed and the use of drugs in livestock production.

Which meat items must be inspected by the USDA?

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and is responsible for inspecting all meat, poultry, and egg products sold within the United States in interstate commerce. This includes beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, and other processed meat products. The USDA also inspects game meats that are sold commercially.

Why does meat need to be inspected?

Meat inspection is crucial for protecting the safety of food meant for consumption, preventing the spread of foodborne illnesses, and maintaining high quality standards. Proper meat inspection can detect diseases, biological and physical contamination, and other quality issues that can pose risks to consumer health or affect product integrity.

METTLER TOLEDO is a global company that manufactures product inspection systems for the meat and poultry industry. Our systems offer foreign material contamination detectionfill level inspection and weight and mass control, package integrity inspection, and label quality inspection and verification.

How should meat products be checked?

Meat products should be checked using a multi-faceted approach. This includes visual inspection for quality control and freshness, food moisture analysis and ph monitoring for cooked or raw meatmass or weight verification, and the use of metal detectors and x-ray systems to detect physical contaminants and enhance overall safety and quality.

How is meat inspection for foreign body contamination performed?

Meat inspection involves several steps. Regulatory organizations, such as the USDA in the United States, conduct periodic inspections to check for signs of disease, contamination by foreign bodies, and overall quality.

Foreign body or foreign material contamination often occurs in continuous production lines where metal equipment and packaging processes can unintentionally introduce metal, glass, or plastic parts into the meat. Advanced technologies such as x-ray inspection and metal detection are used to help improve the inspection of meat products by removing or rejecting products containing  foreign material contaminants from the production line.