Leitfaden für die Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsprüfung von Snacks und Süßwaren

Leitfaden für Qualität und Sicherheit von Süßwaren und Snacks

Entdecken Sie in unserem Leitfaden, wie Produktinspektionsgeräte zur Unterstützung von Qualität und...

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What are the best systems for snacks and confectionery inspection?

The best systems for snacks and confectionery inspection depend on the type of product you are inspecting (i.e., product consistency and type of packaging), your most likely quality issues (i.e., over-filled or under-filled products, physical contamination risk potential, package or label quality problems), and your specific manufacturing processes. A comprehensive approach to food quality inspection typically includes:

  1. Checkweighers for precise weight and fill level control, as well as end-of-line completeness checks
  2. Metal detectors for ferrous and non-ferrous metal contamination detection
  3. X-ray inspection systems for foreign body detection beyond just metal and integrity checks 
  4. Vision inspection systems for packaging and label quality control and verification

Learn more about our snacks and confectionery inspection systems:

Why is confectionery quality control important?

Having the right confectionery quality control procedures in place is important for several reasons:

  1. Consumer safety – Helping protect confectionery product integrity and protecting consumers from potential health hazards like physical contamination or missing allergen information.
  2. Brand reputation – Consistent quality builds trust and loyalty among consumers.
  3. Regulatory compliance – Meeting food safety standards is essential to avoid penalties and maintain market access.
  4. Cost reduction – Effective quality control procedures minimizes waste, reduces risk of recalls, and optimizes production efficiency.

Maintaining the proper confectionery quality assurance measures helps keep your customer and your brand protected from harm.

Do you need a license to sell confectionery?

Licensing requirements to sell confectionery can vary by location and the specific nature of your business. In many jurisdictions, selling confectionery may require:

  1. A general business license
  2. Food handling permits
  3. Health department inspections and certifications

METTLER TOLEDO offers confectionery inspection systems that can help you meet many of the quality and safety standards often required to obtain these licenses.

Do I need a food hygiene rating to sell sweets?

Food hygiene ratings are not typically mandatory for businesses that sell food directly to consumers, including confectionery (i.e., sweets, snacks, etc.) However, having a good hygiene rating can boost consumer confidence in your product and your brand.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is crucial for food manufacturers to protect the safety of food through hygienic design. It mandates that facilities and equipment be easily cleanable to prevent bacterial contamination in order to comply with regulatory standards. HACCP fosters a culture of food safety to protect consumers and the reputation of the brand.

METTLER TOLEDO offers snack and confectionery inspection systems that can help manufacturers maintain high hygiene standards by protecting product safety and quality.