METTLER TOLEDO offers the highly accurate C35 Checkweigher in combination with our family of reliable and simple-to-use Profile metal detectors, which are ideally suited to detect ferrous, non-ferrous, stainless steel and aluminum particles.
The Profile LS
A compact metal detector for use in simple applications where space is limited. The Profile LS Combi provides effective metal detection in dry, wet, and harsh environments.
The Profile
This metal detector offers multi, ultra-high and tuned frequency operation for the highest detection sensitivity for dry products. A product clustering feature minimizes downtime from product changeover.
The Profile RZ
A metal detector that incorporates Zero Metal Free Zone (ZMFZ) technology to achieve the smallest possible footprint while offering increased sensitivity. Tuned frequency maximizes detection performance.
The Profile Advantage
A proven system that incorporates Multi Simultaneous Frequency (MSF) technology for up to 50% improved sensitivity in challenging inspection applications. MSF and Product Signal Suppression overcome product effect in applications that are wet, warm, cooling, chilled or where products are packed in metallized film, minimizing false rejects.