Traceability for Process Improvement and Compliance


The ability to track and trace raw materials, ingredients and products through all stages of production and distribution is vital for consumer’s safety and is required by the various Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognised standards and national regulations. In the case of a product recall, rapid identification of all sourced components is highly import in order to limit further damages and loss of reputation.

Food and feed manufacturers and processors are required to have a system with the ability to trace all ingredients from raw material through to the finished product. Requirements include:

  • Keeping of records of components used from all suppliers
  • Keeping of records of which companies you have supplied
  • Linking of records to test results
  • Informing authorities in the case of emergency
  • Labelling or marking of all semi-finished and finished products appropriately
  • Working within a preventative, integrated quality management system

METTLER TOLEDO offers various solutions to comply with these requirements:

  • PC based recipe weighing solutions providing seamless documentation of what recipe was weighed when, where, how and with which raw materials
  • Stand-alone scales as identification points with barcode scanners and printers
  • Fully integrated solutions with scales, touchscreen terminals, scanners and printers from goods-in to commissioning/shipment
  • Data integration into your existing ERP, MES or management system
  • Camera based vision inspection systems to ensure correct labeling, for label mix-up prevention and product integrity checks

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