Moisture Analyzer

Moisture Meters

Fast and Intuitive Digital Moisture Meters That Deliver Highly Reliable Results

A moisture meter is a device made up of a weighing and halogen heating unit to determine the moisture content of a sample. Many industries rely on it for the quality control and production of, for example, plastic granules, pellets, and resin, and food products such as grains, seeds, rice, and wheat. Through precision weighing and temperature control, our digital moisture meters provide highly reliable results. They are also easy to use and their sturdy construction ensures a long lifespan.

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اكتشف خدماتنا المصممة لتناسب أجهزتك

نحن نقدم الدعم والصيانة لجهاز القياس الذي تستخدمه على مدار دورة حياته بالكامل، بدءًا من التركيب ومرورًا بالصيانة الوقائية والمعايرة ووصولًا إلى إصلاح الأجهزة.

وقت التشغيل
الدعم والإصلاح
التدريب والمشورة


What is the best moisture meter for my application?

It can be challenging to find the right moisture meter for your application. Your choice will be determined by both your individual and business needs. Besides measurement performance, other factors such as ease-of-use, data management capabilities, and robustness (long instrument lifespan) are also important.

Click the links below to find more information about METTLER TOLEDO's comprehensive range of reliable moisture meters that can fulfill your basic, all-around, or high-performance needs. View our useful guide that can help you choose the best moisture meter for your application.

Overview - Moisture Meter

Food Moisture Meter

Plastic Moisture Meter

Read Our Product Selection Guide