Pharmaceutical Checkweighers

Pharma checkweighing systems for stringent compliance, completeness checks and brand protection

Pharmaceutical checkweighers are sophisticated, automatic systems that weigh and reject any products that are out of specification. Our pharma checkweighers are accurate enough to spot even the slightest weight change, preventing any over-filled or under-filled medical goods from reaching consumers. Furthermore, they help you comply with industry standards such as FDA 21 CFR and the DSCSA and protect your brand image.

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How can a pharmaceutical checkweigher optimize the efficiency of my production line?

A pharmaceutical checkweigher performs functions to help avoid downtime due to problems upstream, such as open flap or askew package detection, bin full warning, etc. They can be equipped with a Process Safety Kit, which adds further monitoring options to help you comply with safety and quality assurance regulations.

METTLER TOLEDO checkweighers are sensitive enough to detect variations in weight as slight as the presence of a sheet of paper - meaning that packages that are missing instruction leaflets are identified and removed before they can reach consumers. This is of critical importance when it comes to pharmaceutical products, as missing instructions for proper use can have disastrous consequences for end users and can trigger a product recall - causing damage to your brand and reputation.

Pharmaceutical Checkweighing Video

What are the components of a pharmaceutical checkweigher?

  • Simple completeness verification
    Our checkweighers are sensitive enough to detect variations in weight as slight as the presence of a sheet of paper - meaning that packages that are missing instructions for use are identified and removed before they can reach consumers
  • Open flap detection 
    Packages that have not been properly closed or are askew on the line may disrupt the production process. The system detects these issues and removes the problematic product, and can even be programmed to sort the rejected items into separate reject bins depending on the issue
  • Air pressure checks
    An air pressure monitor sounds an alarm should insufficient air pressure interfere with the proper operation of the rejection mechanism and will execute a line stop to prevent any defective products from getting through the system
  • Counterchecking system
    Used to verify the successful rejection of defective products
  • Lockable reject bins
    Reject bins are quipped with electronic locks and sensors to alert operators when a bin is full
  • Process Validation and Documentation
    Our pharmaceutical checkweighers feature extensive documentation and auditing software that helps achieve compliance with regulations such as FDA 21 CFR part 11 by providing a clear record of all user activity and changes made to the system.

Serialization Ready Systems
Serialization of pharmaceutical products is an industry requirement across the globe and a critical part of the production process. Combining checkweighing and serialization capabilities is an efficient way to make use of limited space.

Our pharma checkweighing systems can also be fit with the components necessary for the printing, verification and recording of the critical serialization information required by governments across the globe, and a tamper-evident seal application can be added to the system when necessary.