Visuelle Inspektion für Fertiggerichte

Bildverarbeitungssysteme für die Qualitätskontrolle von Fertiggerichten, die Inspektion von Etiketten und Verpackungen

In der Produktion von Fertiggerichten verwendet man visuelle Inspektionssysteme, um zu prüfen, ob Verpackungen und Etiketten vorhanden und fehlerfrei sind und ob sie die korrekten Allergen- und Nährwertinformationen enthalten. Schützen Sie die Verbraucher vor schwerwiegenden gesundheitlichen Folgen durch fehlende Allergeninformationen oder Mindesthaltbarkeitsdaten und verhindern Sie das Risiko kostspieliger Rückrufe aufgrund falsch etikettierter Produkte. Schützen Sie Ihre Marke mit 100%iger Etikettenkontrolle.

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V15 Label Inspection 360° System

This space-saving solution detects label data and quality defects on round products. Six image sensors are enclosed in a compact design that can easily be installed over existing conveyors. The V15 can be extended with top and bottom cameras.

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V11 Label Inspection System

This flexible label inspection solution reliably inspects oriented products from the sides or top for label data and quality defects. It can be easily integrated into existing production lines utilizing smart cameras, lighting, and software.

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V31 Vision Inspection System

Advanced package and label inspection of oriented products. The flexible system includes a rapid installation frame and product tracking for support of up to six cameras and customized lighting.

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V33 Flat Pack Vision Inspection System

Advanced bottom inspection of a variety of packages. The system supports customized lighting and can be extended with top cameras for further applications such as seal contamination inspection.

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V13 Flatpack Label Inspection System

This solution carries out reliable label inspection from the bottom up to inspect labels on the underside of flat packs. The stand-alone solution offers configurable material handling options and can be extended with top and side smart cameras.

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CV Combination

This fully integrated system offers weight control and completeness check combined with label inspection for all product shapes. The space-saving solution is fully configurable from standardized modules and offers advanced quality control.

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