X-ray Inspection for the Dairy Industry

X-ray Inspection for Dairy Production

Enhancing the safety and quality of dairy products with x-ray inspection

X-ray inspection technology is used in the dairy industry to prevent products with physical contaminants from entering the marketplace. Our advanced x-ray inspection systems detect physical contaminants such as glass, rubber, and plastic, and can perform several other integrity and completeness checks. With x-ray inspection, dairy manufacturers can protect the safety and quality of their products while meeting strict dairy industry compliance requirements.

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Nous vous proposons l'entretien et une assistance technique tout au long du cycle de vie de votre équipement d'inspection de produits, de l'installation à la maintenance préventive en passant par l'étalonnage et la réparation de l'équipement.

Support & Réparation
Maintenance & Optimisation
Etalonnage & Qualité
Formation & Accompagnement