Methode van een toepassing

pH Measurement of Sauce

Methode van een toepassing

Achieve Precise pH Measurements with the Right Sensor

pH of Sauce
pH of Sauce

Thick consistency makes it difficult for a conventional pH sensor to accurately measure a sauce's pH. Thick samples also make mixing the aqueous electrolyte with the sample difficult. Due to their limited interaction, many things could be more consistent in the readings and longer response times. In addition, traditional sensors have a ceramic-fitted junction that clogs easily when used in samples with such semi-solid consistency.

METTLER TOLEDO's InLab® Solids Pro-ISM is a specialized sensor for measuring the pH of sauce with accuracy and precision. This sensor has a spear-shaped tip made of toughened glass, enabling direct insertion into solid samples without the risk of breakage. The low-maintenance solid XEROLYT®EXTRA polymer reference system offers two key benefits: it has a clog-free open junction that eliminates the risk of protein fouling, and it interacts with the sample through diffusing ions, which removes difficulties associated with the immiscibility of the aqueous reference electrolyte with the sample. The specialized design and overall sensor technology of the InLab Solids Pro-ISM ensures direct pH measurement of sauce samples, which is critical for ensuring reliability and consistency in the manufacturing and quality control of sauce. Curious about the best way to measure the pH of your sauce samples? Download our application note to uncover the benefits of using InLab Solids Pro-ISM. Learn more today!

The following questions cover more details about sauces and the role of pH in maintaining their quality.

What is a sauce?

A sauce is a semi-solid fluid, edible dressing, or condiment that can be served directly or used to prepare other dishes. Sauce imparts specific flavor, contrast, texture, and color to the dish.

Why is measuring the pH of sauce important?

Generally, to avoid the growth of microbes and increase the safety value of food, many natural food acids such as lactic, acetic, malic, or citric acid are used to prepare sauce. The acids play a dual role in stabilizing and adding different flavors to food. Proper acidity in processed food products is necessary to control the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, that often lead to spoilage in food products.

What pH value is required to maintain sauce?

The US Federal Government regulates the manufacturing of acidified foods under the provision of 21 CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) part 114. It requires an equilibrium pH of final acidified food products to be 4.6 or lower.