Tiếng Việt

XS3 H Checkweigher - Sản phẩm ngưng sản xuất

The Hygiene Standard

Product and water build-up is minimised by avoiding level surfaces on the conveyor and weighcell supports, as well as the exclusive use of circular tubes on the horizontal section of the frame. The minimal contact conveyor support clamps and open frame construction facilitate easy cleaning. Seam welding improves hygiene and reduces the risk of bacteria build-up. With the reduced number of support legs, hygienically designed cable runs and an additional "customer's cable" duct, GARVENS offer a flexible system specifically to your requirements.

The industry proven, modular design can be enhanced with the full range of software options and accessories available. This allows you to tailor the checkweigher to your specific application requirements. It is particularly service friendly, cutting maintenance time to an absolute minimum and significantly reducing downtime.

With the "auto setup" software wizard and the user friendly 15” touchscreen interface, very little training is required in setting up the menus. The multilingual user profile and product image functions ensure fast product changeover and fewer operator errors, resulting in a minimum of downtime.

Ngưng sản xuất từ: Sep, 2017

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Phụ tùng - XS3 H Checkweigher

Service - XS3 H Checkweigher

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