In food production and quality control, accurate results and minimum downtime are vital, including day-to-day weighing applications such as simple weighing, formulation, check weighing, and differential weighing. Furthermore, accurate weighing is a prerequisite for carrying out quality control procedures in line with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) principles. Quality control addresses food safety and quality through the analysis of raw food ingredients as well as intermediate and finished food products. The analysis of food composition, structure, physicochemical properties, and sensory attributes are common examples of food quality control analyses. For most of these analyses, accurate and reliable results are an essential component. In the typical quality control laboratory for food, multiple users work on the same balance and thus, operational flexibility and prevention of errors are essential.
METTLER TOLEDO weighing solutions support food labs worldwide to maximize quality, safety, and productivity with solutions designed to unlock the power of science and technology to meet food industry demands. Our cutting-edge weighing equipment helps to ensure customer satisfaction.
Explore laboratory weighing solutions built for the food industry and help future-proof your food lab. It doesn't matter if you work in quality control, production, or R&D, our laboratory weighing instruments help you satisfy industry requirements for food processing, analysis, and quality control.
Why Accurate Weighing Matters in the Food and Beverage Industry
Food Weighing Scales for All Your Laboratory Needs
Quality, safety, and sustainability are serious matters, which is why we designed weighing scales with the needs of the food industry in mind. Our modern precision instruments are hygienic, robust, and easy to clean. Smart and reliable balances guide you step by step through your recipes, ensuring precisely formulated food products. Integrated user management and easy connectivity enable the secure and comprehensive transfer of weighing data.
How Can You Improve Your Food Weighing Workflows?
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance in the laboratory must uphold rigorous standards to guarantee the quality of the finished food and beverage products and thereby gain consumer confidence. Quality of food can be assured with thorough food testing. For tests involving weighing, this means using accurate weighing instruments, having consistent weighing workflows, and regular equipment calibration.
Laboratory Weighing Applications
Statistical quality control (SQC) is the use of statistical tools to monitor and maintain product quality in food, pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. Statistical quality control techniques such as fill control, check weighing and weight variation help ensure consumer safety and regulatory compliance.
Safety Compliance and Regulations
Food and beverage manufacturers must ensure the safety of their products for consumers. They must also ensure the equipment and procedures in their food testing laboratories meet the requirements of the latest regulations.
Priročnik za čiščenje tehtnic: osem preprostih korakov
V priročniku »Osem korakov do čiste tehtnice« boste spoznali pomembnost čiščenja ključnih tehtalnih naprav v vašem laboratoriju, hkrati pa boste našli tudi pomembne nasvete za higieno in natančnost.
Standardni delovni postopki (SOP)
Komplet 3 standardnih postopkov za redno preizkušanje tehtnic zajema standardne delovne postopke v laboratoriju za postopek tehtanja. Postopek Good Weighing Practice™ (GWP) vključuje priporočila za preizkušanje na podlagi specifičnih potreb, ki izpolnjujejo tako interne zahteve kot tudi zahteve standarda ISO 9001.
Redno preizkušanje tehtnic in naprav za tehtanje
Brezplačen priročnik z opisom izvedbe rednega preizkušanja tehtnic. Oglejte si opis pogostosti in načina preizkušanja ter uteži, ki jih morate uporabiti, da omogočite pravilno delovanje tehtnic.
Vodnik s predpisi o živilih v laboratoriju
Preberite Vodnik s predpisi o živilih v laboratoriju in bodite na tekočem s hitro spreminjajočimi se predpisi v živilski industriji in industriji pijač.
Upravljanje podatkov s halogenskim analizatorjem vlage
Preberite več o različnih možnostih za upravljanje podatkov pri uporabi halogenskega analizatorja vlage. V naši referenčni knjigi so opisane tri različne možnosti za obdelavo podatkov.
Guide on How to Clean Your Moisture Analyzer
This guide shows how cleaning can be done easily with the appropriate cleaning agents and know-how.
Recipe Development
In recipe development, characteristics of the final food product are proposed, tested, and refined, including attributes such as taste, texture, and color. To create delicious products, precise measurements, an understanding of formulation principles, and using the right food weighing instruments are key.
Priročnik: formulacija živil
Preberite več o tehtalnih rešitvah za formulacijo živil v laboratoriju in proizvodnji ter preverjenih metodah in nasvetih za preprečitev napak.
Traceable Recipe Formulation
Learn more about METTLER TOLEDO’s cost-effective solution to addressing problems in the traceable recipe formulation process in laboratory weighing.
Meat Alternatives Formulation and Laboratory Analysis
Meat substitutes can replace conventional animal protein. Mimicking the taste, quality, and texture of meat requires accurate laboratory analysis. Learn more about meat analog formulation.
Ensuring maximum throughput in the food testing laboratory helps ensure maximum productivity on the factory floor. By using tried and tested techniques and reliable equipment, food labs can streamline their processes and boost productivity.
Spletni seminar: Kako optimizirati laboratorijske procese z uporabo vitkega laboratorija - 1. del
Spletni seminar Lean Lab - uvaja osnovne koncepte Lean Laboratory in 10 področij izboljšav, vam pomaga ugotoviti, kje je mogoče optimizirati učinkovitost procesov.
How to Optimize Lab Processes Using Lean Laboratory – Part 2
Identify the key actions to improve lab productivity and eliminate unnecessary steps in the workflow by using Lean Lab approach.
Vitka organizacija laboratorija: izboljšanje učinkovitosti in poenostavitev postopkov
Obsežna zbirka znanja, informacij in nasvetov o vitki organizaciji laboratorija, ki zagotavlja podporo za uspešno uvedbo načel vitke organizacije v laboratorij. Vključuje glosar, kontrolni seznam, videoposnetek, priročnike, spletne seminarje s in dodatne povezave ...
8 najpogostejših izgub v laboratoriju
Ta priročnik vključuje opise 8 izgub v laboratoriju in navodila za prepoznavanje ter odpravo vzrokov za izgubo časa. Izboljšajte učinkovitost laboratorija v skladu z načeli vitkega upravljanja in vitke organizacije laboratorija.
Reduced Moisture Measurement Time with Results Prediction
Find out how to reduce moisture measurement time with QuickPredict software on Halogen Moisture Analyzers and to speed up decision making to save time and money.
New Trends in the Food and Beverage Industry
New trends in the food and beverage industry are being driven by the rise of conscious consumers, mindful purchasing decisions, and ethical and environmentally friendly requirements. Trends, such as meat and dairy alternatives, plant-based foods, and functional food, amongst many others, are shaping the future of the food industry. Learn more about food trends in laboratories:
1. Emerging trends that shape the food industry and the food laboratory workflows
2. The plant-based food trend is driven by health, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare concerns. METTLER TOLEDO laboratory instruments help you to efficiently carry out ingredient analysis and formulation, including the accurate evaluation of raw materials and novel ingredients and the moisture analysis in meat alternatives.
3. Functional foods deliver well-being benefits and offer nutrients that boost immunity and help protect against disease. The accelerating functional food trend is expected to be long-term. Our laboratory weighing instruments for food analysis can help you conduct the analyses needed to prove the health benefits of your products.