Get a handful of tips that help you avoid weighing errors:
- A stable weighing table should be fixed to either the wall or the floor, but not both
- Place the balance away from radiators
- Use the smallest possible weighing vessel
- Always use gloves and tweezers when handling weights
Location matters – Is your balance in the correct place?
The location of your balance has a direct impact on the precision and reproducibility of your weighing results. The factors to consider are The topics of relevance here a
- Working table
- Working room
- Room temperature
- Humidity
- Light as a heat source
- Air
Operating your balance – Avoid common errors
Correct handling of your balance and sample is essential to minimize external influences on your weighing results. Even small things matter:
- Switching on
- Levelling
- Weighing vessel
- Weighing pan
- Reading
- Sample
- Data management
Routine Testing – Your Insurance for Exact Results
Routine testing verifies if your balance is performing within specifications and ensures valid results. The topics of relevance here are:
- Testing your balance
- Weights
- Good Weighing Practice™