関心があるアプリケーション |
Dropping point of lubricating grease |
The dropping point of a lubricating grease is the specific temperature at which a sample becomes fluid to form a drop that falls from a standardized dropping point cup.
Cloud Point of Non-ionic Surfactants |
Cloud Point (CP) of non-ionic surfactants is highly influenced by addition of ionic surfactants as well as electrolytes. This provides scope for tuning CP depending on the prerequisites of the applications. In present study, trends in CP value of TergitolTM NP-10 (Nonylphenol ethoxylate) with addition of ionic surfactant (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate) or electrolyte (potassium chloride) is evaluated. We use a MP80 instrument for fully automated CP determination. |
沸点を利用したeリキッド(電子液体)の品質管理 |
このアプリケーションノートでは、電子タバコリキッド(ニコチンの有無にかかわらず)およびプロピレングリコールの沸点を決定する方法をについて説明しています。 |
同時ビデオ観察による相転移の融点測定 |
融点は間違いなく、材料の特性評価に最も頻繁に使用される熱値です。この事実に加え、融点測定の要件がますます高まっていることが、メトラー・トレドが全く新しいシリーズの開発を決定した2つの主な理由でした。新しいExcellence融点システムにより、従来の融点測定装置では測定できなかった物質を分析できます。 |
Slip Melting Point of Ghee Samples |
Slip Melting Point (SMP) is an important parameter for monitoring the quality of ghee samples. The technique is faster and selective for characterization of such samples with composite mixtures and which do not have a sharp melting point. MP80 offers fully automated SMP detection, based on camera image analysis. This SMP detection technique is in compliance with the AOCS Cc 3-25 and ISO 6321 standards. |
沸点を利用した電子液体の品質管理 |
プロピレングリコールなどの電子液体成分の品質は、沸点(BP)などの物理的特性(液体から気体への相転移が進行する物質固有の温度)を調べることで保証できます。BPは、気化(または沸騰)を誘発するために電子液体混合物を加熱する必要がある温度を決定するためにも使用できます。 |
化粧品の滴点試験 |
滴点試験により、液化した物質の液滴が標準化されたカップの開口部から重力によって逃げる材料固有の温度を定義します。 |
物質の沸点測定 |
化合物の沸点(BP)は、物質の同一性に関する有用な情報を提供します。未知のサンプルの測定値を基準値と比較して、サンプルの同一性を判断できます。この熱物性に関する知識は、製品安全データシート(MSDS)に必要です。 |
FMVVS No.116(DOT)に準拠したブレーキオイルの沸点測定 |
ブレーキング中、摩擦から発生する熱がブレーキシリンダーを暖め、ブレーキフルードの温度を上昇させる可能性があります。ブレーキオイルの沸点(BP)を超えると、ブレーキオイルに蒸気の泡が形成され、液体とは異なり圧縮可能です。これは、ブレーキシステムの性能に影響を与えます。したがって、特にブレーキによって発生する高温にさらされる場合は、ブレーキオイルが沸点を下回ることが重要です。 |
クルクミン(秋ウコン色素成分)の融点測定 |
このアプリケーションノートでは、食品業界で黄橙色で使用されるクルクミンの融点を測定するための詳細な方法について説明します。 |
界面活性剤の曇点測定 |
曇点(CP)は、水溶性界面活性剤(エマルジョンであれ分散液であれ)の信頼性の高い品質管理パラメータです。CPの測定は、処理された材料の最適な動作温度を決定する上で非常に重要です。 |
融点測定のための豊富なメソッドプログラミング |
Excellence 融点測定システムの柔軟なメソッドプログラミングの異なる温度セグメントを使用することで、サンプルの分解やその他の化学反応を最小限に抑え、サンプルの完全性を維持します。これらの方法は、日本薬局方(JP<2.60>)および米国薬局方条約規則(USP<741>クラスIa物質に完全に準拠しており、時間を節約し、効率を最大化します。 |
ISO 6321に準拠したパーム油の上昇融点測定 |
パーム油およびパーム油誘導体の品質管理手順は、製品が食品および医薬品の規制への準拠が求められます (ISO 6321など)。これらの規制は、パーソナルケアや化粧品を製造する企業にも適用され、その多くはハラール、コーシャ、FDAの認定を受けていることがよくあります。品質検査では、スリップ融点(SMP)技術がよく使用されます。 |
AOCS Cc 3-25に準拠した口紅の上昇融点を確認する方法 |
製品は食品および医薬品規制を満たさなければならないため、口紅の品質管理手順は十分に確立されています(例:AOCS CC 3-25)。口紅は摂取される唯一の化粧品であるため、成分と製造プロセスに厳しい規制が課せられています。このような制御の例は、スリップ融点(SMP)の決定に基づいています |
コレステロールの融点 |
このアプリケーションノートでは、Covid-19ワクチンの主要成分であるコレステロールの融点を測定するための詳細なスキームを提供します。 |
ピッチの軟化点評価 |
このアプリケーションノートでは、冶金コークスの製造中に副産物として得られる光沢のある黒色残渣の軟化点を決定するためのソリューションを提供します。 |
リップクリームの上昇融点測定 |
このアプリケーションノートでは、鋭い融点を持たないリップクリームサンプルのスリップ融点を検出するための系統的なスキームを提供します。 |
ノニルフェノールエトキシレート (NPE) 試験における曇点 |
ノニルフェノールエトキシレート(NPE)は、工業用洗浄製品、プロセス、農業用配合物、塗料に広く使用されている界面活性剤のカテゴリーで構成されています。水溶性NPE界面活性剤の場合、曇点は品質管理試験の信頼できる指標です。 |
食用油脂の滴点測定 |
食用油脂の滴点は、定義された試験条件下でオリフィス付きの標準化されたカップから落下する滴を形成するためにサンプルが流体になる特定の温度です。 |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
AACC | 58-53.01 | 2009 | Slip melting point | The slip point (open tube melting point) is an index of temperature at which fat softens or becomes sufficiently fluid to slip or run. | MP55/MP80 |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
AOCS | Cc 3b-92 | 2009 | Slip melting point ISO Standard (see ISO 6321) | The temperature at which a column of fat in an open capillary tube begins to rise under the conditions specified. | MP55/MP80 |
AOCS | Cc 3-25 | 2009 | Slip melting point, AOCS Standard open tube melting point | The temperature at which fat softens and becomes sufficiently fluid to slip in an open capillary tube. | MP55/MP80 |
AOCS | Cc 1-25 | 2009 | Melting point capillary tube method | Fats pass through a stage of gradual softening before they become totally liquid. The melting point then must be defined by the specific conditions of the method by which it is determined and, in this case, it is the temperature at which the test sample becomes completely clear and liquid. | MP |
AOCS | Cc 6-25 | 2009 | Cloud point test (on cooling) | The cloud point is that temperature at which, under the conditions of this test, a cloud is induced in the test sample caused by the first stage of crystallization. | Not available |
AOCS | Cc 18-80 | 2009 | Dropping point of edible fats and oil | The dropping point of a fat or oil is the temperature at which the test sample will become fluid to flow under the conditions of the test. | DP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
JOCS | | 2009 | Melting point (slipping point) | Index of the temperature at which fat softens and becomes sufficiently fluid to slip in an open capillary tube | MP55/MP80 |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
ASTM D | 36 | 2014 | Softening point of bitumen | The softening point of bitumen in the range from 30 to 157°C (86 to 315°F) using the ring-and-ball apparatus | Alternative for pure bitumen: ASTM 3461 with DP |
ASTM D | 87 | 2014 | Melting point of petroleum waxes (cooling curve) | A plateau occurs with specimens containing appreciable amounts of hydrocarbons that crystallize at the same temperature, giving up heat of fusion, thus temporarily retarding the cooling rate. | Not available |
ASTM D | 97 | 2012 | Standard test method for pour point of petroleum products. | Flow ability of the oil is tested when cooled down and crystallization starts, no stirring; instrument as used in ASTM D2500. | Not available |
ASTM D | 127 | 2019 | Dropping point of petroleum waxes including petrolatum | Pre-melt sample, pour it into the sample cup, heating rate 2 K/min. | DP |
ASTM D | 566 | 2016 | Dropping point of lubricating grease | Thermometer in sample cup. | Automatic alternative: ASTM D3954 with DP |
ASTM D | 1177 | 2012 | Standard test method for Freezing point of Aqueous Engine Coolant. | The freezing point of an engine coolant may be used to determine the approximate glycol content, provided the glycol type is known. | Not available |
ASTM D | 1519 | 2014 | Standard test method for Rubber chemicals-Melting Range | Melting range of commercial rubber processing chemicals either by use of capillary melting point tubes or by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) | MP |
ASTM D | 2117 | 1988 | Melting point of semi-crystalline polymers by the hot stage microscopy method. Note: discontinued without replacement. | Change of birefringence in polarized light | Hot Stage |
ASTM D | 2265 | 2015 | Dropping point of lubricating grease over wide temperature range | This method uses mercury thermometer | Automatic alternative: ASTM D3954 with DP |
ASTM D | 2319 | 2014 | Softening point of pitches | Cube in air method | Not available |
ASTM D | 2500 | 2014 | Cloud point of petroleum oils | Visual observation | Not available |
ASTM D | 3104 | 2014 | Softening point of pitches (Mettler softening point method) | Pre-melt sample, pour it into the sample cup, heating rate 2 K/min. | DP |
ASTM D | 3461 | 2014 | Softening point of asphalt and pitch (Mettler cup and ball method) | Pre-melt sample, pour it into the sample cup. Place lead ball of 3.2 ±0.1 g on the sample. Heating rate 2 K/min. | DP |
ASTM D | 3954 | 2010 | Dropping point of waxes (The method duplicates D 566) | Start temperature 20 to 25°C below the expected dropping point, heating rate 2 K/min. Cup 2.8 mm hole. | DP |
ASTM D | 4950 | 2014 | Standard Classification and Specification for Automotive Service Greases | Greases Categories | Automatic alternative: ASTM D3954 with DP |
ASTM D | 5771 | 2015 | Standard Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products (Optical Detection Stepped Cooling Method) | This test method covers the description of the determination of the cloud point of petroleum products and biodiesel fuels that are transparent in layers 40 mm in thickness, by an automatic instrument using an optical device. | Not available |
ASTM D | 5772 | 2015 | Standard Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products (Linear Cooling Rate Method) | This test method covers the description of the determination of the cloud point of petroleum products and biodiesel fuels that are transparent in layers 40 mm in thickness by an automatic instrument using a linear cooling rate. | Not available |
ASTM D | 5773 | 2015 | Standard Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products (Constant Cooling Rate Method) | This test method covers the determination of the cloud point of petroleum products and biodiesel fuels that are transparent in layers 40 mm in thickness by an automatic instrument using a constant cooling rate. | Not available |
ASTM D | 6038 | 2014 | Standard Test Method for Determining the Compatability of Resin/Solvent Mixtures by Precipitation Temperature | Testing the compatability of lithographic ink resins in high boiling ink solvents by precipitation temperature, manual and automatic mode. | Not available (cooling) |
ASTM D | 6090 | 2012 | Softening Point Resins (Mettler Cup and Ball Method) | Sample cup with 6.35 mm aperture and steel ball | DP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
ASTM E | 28 | 2014 | Standard Test Methods for Softening Point of Resins derived from pine chemicals and hydrocarbons by Ring-and-Ball Apparatus | Ring and ball apparatus, manual or automated | Not available |
ASTM E | 324 | 1999 | Relative initial and final melting points and the melting range of organic chemicals | Melting point capillary in a bath | Withdrawn in 2001, Automatic alternative with MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
CEI/IEC | 811-5-1 | 2006 | Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables. Part 5: methods specific to filling compounds | Section 1: Dropping point from nipple in glass tube and oil bath (Ubbelohde) | Automatic alternative with DP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
DIN EN | 1238 | 2011 | Determination of the softening point of thermoplastic adhesives (ring and ball) | Sample cup diameter (externally) 20.6 mm liquid bath | Not available |
DIN EN | 1890 | 2006 | Surfactants - Determination of cloud point of non-ionic surface active agents obtained by condensation of ethylene oxide | In glass vial of 25 ml, with stirrer | Not available |
DIN EN | 23015 | 1994 | Petroleum products; determination of cloud point | Replaced DIN ISO 3015, visual observation | Not available |
DIN EN | 51801 Part 2 | 2005 | Determination of dropping point; Ubbelohde method for bitumen | Thermometer in sample. Sample cup aperture 3.0 mm. | Withdrawn Automatic alternative ASTM D3104, D3461 with DP |
DIN EN | 51920 | 2012 | Testing of carbonaceous material; determination of the Mettler softening point; binding and impregnating materials | Sample cup with 6.35 mm aperture | DP |
DIN EN | 52011 | 1986 | Testing of bitumen; determination of the softening point | Ring and ball | Withdrawn Not available |
DIN | 53408 | 1967 | Testing of plastics; determination of solubility temperature of PVC in plasticizers | Heating rate 2°C/min, "clear point", microscope with magnification of 100 | Hot Stage |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
DIN ISO | 2176 | 1981 | Petroleum products; lubricating grease; determination of dropping point | Thermometer in sample, sample cup aperture 2.8 mm | Automatic alternative: ASTM D3954 with DP |
ISO | 3015 | 1992 | Petroleum oils determination of cloud point | The method specified applies to petroleum products which are transparent in layers of 40 mm thickness and have a cloud point below 49 °C. The use of this standard may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. | Not available |
DIN ISO | 3841 | 1983 | Petroleum waxes, determination of melting point (cooling curve) | Glass tube, thermometer in sample | Not available |
ISO | 4625-2 | 2004 | Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of softening point -Part 2: Cup and ball method | Uses the softening cup (6.35 mm aperture) with steel ball of 8.7 mm and 2.77 g | DP |
DIN ISO | 22286 | 2018 | Determination of the dropping point of grease with an automatic apparatus | The initial temperature is set 20 °C above ambient. A heating rate of 10 °C/min is started until a temperature of 20 °C below the expected dropping point is reached. At this point, the heating rate is reduced to 1 °C/min until the dropping point is recorded. | DP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
IP | 55 | 2001 | Melting point of petroleum waxes (cooling curve) | see ASTM D87 Specifies a procedure for determination of the melting point of petroleum wax (cooling curve). | Not available |
IP | 132 | 2013 | Dropping point of lubricating grease | See ASTM D566 This test method covers the determination of the dropping point of lubricating grease. This test method is not recommended for use at bath temperatures above 288°C. | Automatic alternative: ASTM D3954 with DP |
IP | 396 | 2002 | Determination of dropping point of lubricating grease - Automatic apparatus method | Specifies a method for determining the dropping point of lubricating grease by means of automatic dropping point apparatus. | DP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
DIN ISO | 2176 | 1981 | Petroleum products; lubricating grease; etermination of dropping point | Thermometer in sample, opening sample cup 2.8 mm. | Automatic alternative: ASTM D3954 with DP |
DIN ISO | 3841 | 1983 | Petroleum waxes, determination of melting point (cooling curve) | Glass tube, thermometer in sample | Not available |
ISO | 918 | 2011 | Determination of distillation characteristics Volatile organic liquids for industrial use | Relates to liquids (excluding petroleum products) having a boiling point in the range 30 °C to 300 °C and are stable during distillation in atmospheric conditions. | Not available |
ISO | 1065 | 1991 | Non-ionic surface active agents obtained from ethylene oxide and mixed non-ionic surface active agents. Determination of cloud point | Sample 15 ml, 14 mm diameter, visual observation Specifies five methods of measurement. Methods A, B and C are applicable to agents derived by condensation with a lipophilic compound without oxypropylene groups. Methods D and E should be used only after agreement between the parties concerned. | Not available Alternative ASTM D2024 MP80 |
ISO | 3015 | 1992 | Petroleum oils determination of cloud point | The method specified applies to petroleum products which are transparent in layers 40 mm in thickness and have a cloud point below 49 °C. The use of this standard may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. | Not available |
ISO | 3146 | 2002 | Plastics -- Determination of melting behavior (melting temperature or melting range) of semi-crystalline polymers by capillary tube and polarizing-microscope methods | Method A based on changes in shape of the polymer; can also be used for softening of non-crystalline polymers. Metal block furnace. Powder up to 100 μm. Method B for hot stage, microscope magnification x50, powder or thin film | Hot Stage MP |
ISO | 4625-2 | 2004 | Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of softening point -Part 2: Cup an ball method | Uses the softening cup (6.35 mm) with steel ball 8.7 mm and 2.77 g | DP |
UNI EN ISO | 6321 | 2005 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils- Determination of melting point in open capillary tubes (slip point) | Defines two methods for the determination of the melting point in open capillary tubes, commonly known as the slip point, of animal and vegetable fats and oils. - Method A is only applicable to animal and vegetable fats which are solid at ambient temperature and which do not exhibit pronounced polymorphism. - Method B is applicable to all animal and vegetable fats which are solid at ambient temperature, and is the method to be used for fats whose polymorphic behaviour is unknown. | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
OECD | 102 | 2011 | Melting point/melting range | Capillary tube in a metal block | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
JIS K | 0064 | 2011 | Test method for melting point and melting range of chemical products | Transmitted light method | MP |
JIS K | 4101 | 1993 | Testing methods for melting point of chemical products | Transmitted light method | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
Ph.Eur. | 2.2.14 | 2017 | Melting point – capillary method | Rate 1 K/min. Temperature at which the last particle passes into the liquid | MP |
Ph.Eur. | 2.2.15 | 2016 | Melting point – open capillary method | Slip point - rising melting point | MP55/MP80 |
Ph.Eur. | 2.2.17 | 2016 | Drop Point | The drop point is the temperature at which the first drop of the melting substance to be examined falls from a cup under defined conditions | DP |
Ph.Eur. | 2.2.18 | 2005 | Freezing point | The freezing point is the maximum temperature occurring during the solidification of a supercooled liquid. | Not available |
Ph.Eur. | 2.2.60 | 2017 | Melting point – Instrumental method | Endpoint automatic | Merged with Ph.Eur.2.2.14 |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
ChP | 0612 | 2016 | Determination of melting point | Metal block with capillaries (melting and slip melting point) | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
IPC | 2.4.21 | 2014 | Melting range or temperature | Metal block with capillaries (melting and slip melting point) | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
FSSAI | 8.0 | 2014 | Determination of melting point of fat | Open-tube capillary - slip method | MP55/MP80 |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
JP | 2.60 | 2017 | Melting point determination | Metal block with capillaries (melting and slip melting point) | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
USP | 741 | 2015 | Melting range or temperature | Apparatus II: metal block with capillaries (melting and slip melting point) | MP |
Standard | No. | Year | Title | Short description | Remark |
WHO | 1.2.1 | 2015 | Melting temperature and melting range | Pulverizable substances and low melting solids (melting and slip melting point) | MP |
ASTM: American society for testing and materials http://www.astm.org/
ISO: international standardization organization http://www.iso.ch
EN: CEN, European Committee for Standardization http://www.cenorm.be
Ph.Eur.: European Pharmacopoeia
DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung http://www.din.de/
Standards: http://www2.beuth.de/
JIS: Japanese Industrial Standards http://www.jsa.or.jp/eng/index.htm
JP: Japanese Pharmacopoeia https://www.pmda.go.jp/english/rs-sb-std/standards-development/jp/0019.html
AACC: American Association for Clinical Chemistry: https://www.aacc.org/
JOCS: Japan Oil Chemists' Society http://www.jocs.jp/index-e.html
VDA: Verband der Automobilindustrie http://www.vda.de/
USP: United State Pharmacopoeia http://www.usp.org
ChP: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China http://wp.chp.org.cn/front/chpint/en/
IPC: Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission http://www.ipc.gov.in/
IP: Institute of petroleum http://www.petroleum.co.uk
NF: norme française http://www.afnor.fr
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development http://www.oecd.org/
UNI: Ente nazionale italiano di unificazione http://www.uni.com
AOCS: American Oil Chemists Society http://www.aocs.org//
CEI/IEC: The International Electrotechnical Commission http://www.iec.ch/
IPC: Institute for interconnecting and packaging electronic circuits http://www.ipc.org/
CEC: Co-ordinating European Council for the development of performance tests for transportation fuels, lubricants and other fluids.
WHO: World Health Organization http://www.who.int/en/