Catálogo de Produto
Dicas e Truques

Flavors and Fragrances – Automatic QC Analysis

Catálogo de Produto
Dicas e Truques

Save up to 70% Labor Time and Increase Throughput by 50%

flavors and fragrances quality control
flavors and fragrances quality control

Flavors and Fragrances are complex products which need highly accurate analyses to control production processes and final products. Many different types of samples have to be analyzed, up to several thousands products being referenced. The challenges for the quality control of these products is to process many samples in a short time, making sure that they are checked to the corresponding limits, and reporting all analysis results for each product, without transcription errors.

Measuring these parameters separately is quite time consuming and special care must be taken with the samples to avoid alteration between single analysis. Measurement data must then be collected and are often reported into a laboratory software. A multiparameter system allows to considerably improve your workflow, saving time and increasing throughput.

A multiparameter system allows the automatic QC analysis of up to four different parameters (typically density, refractive index, color and pH). Running all these analyses with one combined system helps saving time and increasing throughput. As all analyses are performed simultaneously, there is no alteration of the sample between the analyses, as it could happen with standalone instruments. In addition, the sample can be pushed back to the vial as a reference sample. And finally, our LabX PC software allows flexible bi-directional integration into LIMS, ELN, SAP or ERP systems, including import of task lists and product data base.

Discover our guide to learn how the analysis of your flavors and fragrances can be optimized, by:

  • Understanding your samples
  • Automating your analysis
  • Managing your data
Learn more about the possibilities to improve your QC workflow and to get consistent data quality with multiparameter analysis of your flavors & fragrances
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