Editorial de Aplicação

Selected Analytical Methods for Sugar Testing

Editorial de Aplicação

According to ICUMSA™, an International Body That Defines Standard Sugar Testing Methods

Sugar testing
Sugar testing

Sugar is important; all organisms need sugar as a source of energy. Its chemical structure is simple, encompassing all saccharides from monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligo- and polysaccharides. However, in everyday terms we think of sugar as a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants. It is in fact sucrose, a disaccharide consisting of fructose and glucose.

Sugar testing

Regardless of whether sugar is produced from sugar cane or sugar beet, it must meet the standards defined by the industry and health organizations. By far the most important, ICUMSA™ (International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis), is used as a reference across the industry. Hence, sugar testing is an important procedure that must be performed throughout the production process.

The quality of sugars is determined by a series of chemical and physical properties. This application brochure presents selected analytical methods for the state-of-the-art measurements of several sugar quality parameters using instruments by METTLER TOLEDO.

This includes:

  • Color determination
  • Brix values
  • Moisture determination
  • pH measurements
  • Weighing solutions
  • Karl Fischer water determination
  • Titrimetric alkalinity and hardness analysis
*ICUMSA™ is a trademark of ICUMSA Ltd. and Verlag Dr. Albert Bartens KG.
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