Artículo técnico

COVID-19 Vaccine Production and Analytical Chemistry Solutions

Artículo técnico

Accurate and Reliable Measurements Ensure Regulatory Compliance

This white paper provides details of the authorized vaccine types against COVID-19, their ingredients, and how METTLER TOLEDO analytical chemistry solutions help test them according to the corresponding pharmacopeia monographs. 


Types of COVID-19 Vaccines

Various vaccines are generated against COVID-19. All vaccines work by exposing the body to molecules from the target pathogen to trigger an immune response, but the exposure method varies. They can be broadly classified into:

  • Inactivated or weakened virus vaccines
  • Protein-based vaccines
  • Viral vector vaccines
  • RNA and DNA vaccines


Ingredients of Vaccines

Vaccine manufacturers must supply information on the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) content and the additives present in their vaccine formulations. This requires rigorous testing adhering to regulatory compliance

  •  Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API)
  •  Water for injection
  •  Inactive pharmaceutical ingredients


Analytical Chemistry Solutions

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of all the ingredients in vaccines can be carried out using METTLER TOLEDO's precise analytical instruments that are compliant with pharmacopeias. The range of instruments offers a best solutions for testing COVID-19 vaccines.

  • Accurate weighing is a crucial step for reliable analytical results. METTLER TOLEDO laboratory weighing offering ensures regulatory compliant solutions for all the analysis of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • METTLER TOLEDO Thornton’s series of TOC sensors support online, real-time monitoring measurements, thus safeguarding water quality used in injections.
  • METTLER TOLEDO automated titrators support automatic and semi-automatic workflows to characterize Polysorbate 80, sodium acetate, and tromethamine present in the COVID- 19 vaccines.
  • UV Vis spectroscopy is a powerful and popular method in life science for analyzing nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and proteins. 
  • Analytical solutions for values of density, refraction, melting point and melting range, pH and conductivity, and moisture analysis are described for precise results.

Multiparameter flow-through system, connected to an autosampler, running multiple measurements such as density, refractometry, UV Vis, pH, etc., can be fully automated for high-throughput processes with just One Click™.

Download this white paper for detailed knowledge of COVID-19 vaccines and their analytical testing methods.

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