قياس الطيف الضوئي للأحجام الدقيقة بالأشعة المرئية وفوق البنفسجية

أجهزة علوم الحياة لتحليل الحمض النووي والحمض النووي الريبوزي والبروتين

طلب أسعار
مقياس الطيف الضوئي
جهاز التحليل الطَّيفي


منشورات المنتج

Product Brochure - UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometer
Discover the power of UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometers from METTLER TOLEDO. Accurately measure absorption, transmission, and more with ease. Get r...
Product Brochure - Excellence UV/VIS Spectrophotometers (for Life Sciences)
Information on the UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometers for Life Sciences UV5Bio and UV5Nano.
Product Brochure - LabX™ UV/VIS Software
The LabX UV/VIS spectrophotometer software is designed to streamline your workflow and eliminate transcription errors. Say goodbye to manual tasks and...

أوراق البيانات

Datasheet - UV5Bio and UV5Nano UV/VIS Spectrophotometers
Discover the performance of our UV/VIS Life Science spectrophotometers. Learn more about the technical specifications of the UV5Bio and UV5Nano and do...
Datasheet - Smart UV/VIS Accessories
High precision cuvettes and holders fulfill the strictest manufacturing specifications and thus contribute to accurate and reliable results. Workflow...
UV/Vis Excellence Datasheet
The UV5 and UV7 Excellence instruments optimize spectroscopic workflows effectively. FastTrack™ technology makes for speedy and reliable measurements....
Automatic Performance Verification with CertiRef™
With increasing demands for time-consuming performance verification in regulated laboratories, the CertiRef module offers a fully automated Pharmacope...
Automated Performance Verification – Advances in UV VIS Spectroscopy