manual pipetting system

Liquidator 96™手動移液系統


手動高通量移液系統是一種協助生命科學者簡化及加速孔盤應用的裝置。一次移液所有96孔能簡化微量應用,例如ELISA、細胞化驗、qPCR和蛋白質結晶。Liquidator™ 96可簡化許多96孔盤或384孔盤應用。它无需電力和程式設定,有兩種容量範圍:0.5μL至20μL以及5μL至200μL。

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Liquidator 96 Operating Instructions
This manual provides a complete overview of the operating instructions for the Liquidator 96 Benchtop Pipetting System.
Liquidator 96: Manual 96-Channel Pipetting
METTLER TOLEDO has designed its 20 μL and 200 μL Rainin Liquidators for speed, accuracy and ease of use. By understanding how researchers work and ho...
Liquidator 96 Reservoir Brochure: Solutions for 96-well Liquid Handling
The Liquidator 96 streamlines many 96-well or 384-well plate applications. Download the Liquidator 96 reservoir brochure here.
improving quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent
ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a common technique in modern biological research. It is used to detect and quantify distinct proteins in...
liquidator 96 volume range lab efficiency
This white paper provides an overview of how the Rainin Liquidator 96-channel manual pipetting device that allows researchers to accurately and precis...
CCDB simplifies genomic workflow DNA barcoding
Biological research is increasingly reliant on the ability of researchers to collect data from large numbers of samples. The faster numerous data poin...
High-throughput Genotyping Assay
Many life science labs have adapted PCR applications to fit their specific research needs. For example, genotyping assays using microarray technologie...
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