Due to its accurate centerline testing, ATS is acknowledged as a best practice for achieving compliance with stringent quality standards. It aligns with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) guidelines, providing a reliable method for meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining food safety standards. Plus, a high street retailer is now citing it in their code of practice.

By streamlining testing procedures and reducing testing times to under 40 seconds, ATS can deliver substantial savings in both time and resources, enhancing operational efficiency.



喉道和重力下落金屬檢測系統的效能監控可能造成許多生產線的負擔。 下載此應用說明,以瞭解 METTLER TOLEDO 全新的自動測試系統如何幫助您改善 OEE、避免產品浪費,並提高您的整體金屬檢測程序...

Automatic Test System for Free-fall Metal Detectors | Watch Video

Video: Benefits of Automatic Test System

This video discusses 5 benefits of Automatic Test System (ATS) for vertical / free-fall metal detect...

自動測試系統 (ATS) 手冊 | PDF下載

自動測試系統 (ATS) 手冊

與手動測試過程相比,自動測試系統 (ATS) 可以將完成金屬探測器效能監控測試所需的時間減少多達 90%。



METTLER TOLEDO Safeline 電子指南列出對工業用金屬檢測機進行正確測試所需的步驟,以便滿足食品業界的標準與規範。