
Orthomol Sets New Quality Standards


Checkweigher Improves Performance

Video showing checkweigher used by Orthomol

Orthomol pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH in Langenfeld, Germany, is leading the way in the field of orthomolecular nutritional medicine. For more than 25 years, the company has been developing and marketing an extensive range of food supplements such as balanced dosage and diagnosis-based micronutrient compositions which are available from dispensing chemists.

Annually, over 50 million pouches and 12 million drink bottles leave the premises. For more than 18 years, Orthomol has been putting its trust in advanced dynamic checkweighing technology from METTLER TOLEDO. This includes a new two-lane C35 AdvancedLine checkweigher which has commenced operation in the final packaging area. Sitting on a single frame, the dual lane superstructure of the checkweigher takes up minimal space and was easily integrated into the existing line.

From the moment of commissioning, the new C35 checkweigher has provided stable, reliable weighing results, checking the filling process of "Orthomol Immun" – a dietary food product with immune-relevant micronutrients in portion sachets.

Strict Quality Standards Met

"We've found a partner in METTLER TOLEDO who meets our strict quality standards and has successfully accompanied us for very many years." The new C35 AdvancedLine excels in high weighing accuracy and throughput, and its versatile product handling features can be flexibly adapted to changing requirements in Orthomol's production lines. Capable of achieving an accuracy of up to 0.1 g, the checkweigher's weighing range covers products from 3 g to 10 kg, making it suitable for use in many different production lines or line sections of the factory.

C-Series Checkweighers Provide Single-lane or Cumulated Values at the Touch of a Key

The dual lane checkweighing system in the Orthomol Immun line checks up to 120 sachets per minute for correct weight. A clear weighing terminal provides insight into production, giving a quick overview of the results from both lanes. Information from one of the two lanes can be selected at the touch of a key, and the lane concerned can be identified at a glance. Data can also be displayed separately for each lane or as a total.

Learn more about METTLER TOLEDO systems designed for quality inspection of pharmaceuticals.