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Applikationer af interesse

OD600 of Escherichia coli by UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes a straightforward and easy method to determine optical density of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria at 600nm (OD600) using a METTLER TOLEDO UV/Vis spectrophotometer.
Determining Hydrazine in Wastewater by UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This application note describes the procedure to accurately determine the hydrazine in wastewater using a UV/VIS spectrophotometer, a method analogous to ASTM D1385-07.
Thermal Denaturation of Protein - UV/Vis Spectroscopy
Our application note explores the thermal denaturation of proteins and how UV/Vis spectroscopy can be used to study this process. Learn more today!
Ibuprofen USP Compliance Test - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note shows how to check if Ibuprofen API meets the quality requirements according to USP 38 by using the UV7 Spectrophotometer. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page below.
Identification of Aspartame (USP 35 NF 30 S2) - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note specifies how the identification of aspartame according to pharmacopoeia regulation can be performed using the UV7 Spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO. For more information, please proceed to download the page.
Sucrose Content - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note shows how to determine Sucrose in Apple Juice by using the UV7 Spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO. Click to learn more about the method.
Spectrophotometer Calibration with Caffeine - UV Vis Spectroscopy
Caffeine is most commonly used primary standard in spectroscopy. In this application it is used to verify: 1) Wavelength accuracy in UV region at 275 nm, 2) Micro volume techniques using two different sample volumes accuracy and reproducibility, 3) Path length accuracy. For more information about this application, proceed to downlaod the page.
IBU Beer Bitterness Test - UV Vis Spectroscopy
The bitterness of beer is an important parameter measured in the beer production process as it has a significant impact on the final taste outcome. To find out more about how the IBU of beer samples are determined spectroscopically, proceed to download the application note below.
APHA Color Determination - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note investigates the spectroscopic method for the determination of CIE tristimulus color values of several near-clear samples. To find out more, please proceed to the download.
Olive Oil Purity Test - UV Vis Spectroscopy
The olive oil purity and degree of oxidation can be verified by using UV Vis spectroscopy. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.
Total Polyphenols in Beer with UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this application, polyphenols in beer react with iron(III) ions to form a colored complex. The absorbance of this complex is measured using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Free Amino Nitrogen in Beer - UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this application, beer is mixed with a color reagent, boiled, and the resulting color is measured spectrophotometrically to determine the free amino nitrogen present. Click for more information about this method.
Hydroquinone in Cosmetics
M9113/ The application gives the method for determination of the content of hydroquinone in cosmetic products using UV/VIS spectroscopy at 289 nm using a METTLER TOLEDO UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometer.
Beer Color Determination Using UV Vis Excellence Spectrophotometer
Beer color is an important parameter in quality control and process control. This application note describes routine operations for beer color measurements by UV Vis Excellence Spectrophotometers.
Iso-alpha and Alpha Acids in Beer - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note is based on the American Society of Brewing Chemists’ (ASBC) method of analysis of iso-alpha and alpha acids in Beer. For more information, please proceed to the download below.
White Sugar Solution Color at pH 7.0 - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note concerns the color determination of white sugar at pH 7.0 according to ICUMSA™ methods and is valid for crystalline and powdered sugars, as well as very pure syrups. To find out more, please download the method below.
Color of Raw Sugars solution at pH 7.0 - UV Vis Spectroscopy
The color of raw sugars is one of the most important quality indicators for producers and refiners. Download the application note for information on how a multi-parameter laboratory system is used to determine sugar color.
Determination of Vitamin A
M9024/The application is based on the measurement of the absorbance of vitamin A extracted in diethyl ether at a wavelength of 325 nm using METTLER TOLEDO UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometer.
Sulphur Dioxide in Packaged Food
M9115/The application gives the method for determination of Sulphur Dioxide in pakaged food using UV/Vis spectrometry. In this method a yellow colored complex is formed with pararosaniline dye.
CIELab Color Measurement - UV Vis Spectroscopy
CIE L*a*b* (CIELab) is a color space which is defined by the International Commission on Illumination (French Commission internationale de l'éclairage). In this application note, the CIE L*a*b color measurement is performed using the UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometer together with the InMotion auto-sampler and LabX PC software.
BCA Protein Assay - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note shows how a Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) assay is used as colorimetric detection and quantitation of the total protein concentration in biological samples.
Wine Color Analysis
The application gives a UV/VIS Spectroscopic method, that is a non-destructive technique. It can be used to check the quality of wine without disturbing its physical or chemical properties by analyzing its color intensity.
Lowry Protein Assay - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note shows how a Lowry Protein assay is used to determine the total protein content in biological samples. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.
Kinetics Reaction Rate - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note details the method for the determination of the kinetics reaction rate using the biofuel enzyme kit. For more information, please proceed to download the page.
Nitrate Testing - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This method describes a simple and convenient procedure for the determination of nitrate (NO3-) in water and soil. To learn more, please proceed to download the application note.
Lipase Enzyme Activity - UV Vis Spectrophotometry
This spectroscopy application note shows the enzyme activity of lipase using the UV5Bio spectrophotometer and CuveT thermostating unit from METTLER TOLEDO.
Fading of Phenolphthalein in NaOH - UV Vis Spectroscopy
During a reaction with a strong base, such as NaOH, phenolphthalein fades. The topic of this application note is to calculate the rate of reaction using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Phosphate Content Determination - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application describes how UV Vis spectroscopy can be used to determine the trace level, soluble form of phosphate in water. For more information, please proceed to download the page.
Identification of Aspartame (Ph. Eur. 2.2.25) - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note specifies how the identification of aspartame according to pharmacopoeia regulation can be performed using the UV7 Spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO. For more information please proceed to download the page.
Glucose Measurement - UV Vis Spectroscopy
Glucose is one of the primary sugars found in wine grapes. In this experiment, a kit for the quantitative, enzymatic determination of glucose in wine and other materials is applied in order to find its concentration. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.
Carbonyl in Aldehyde & Ketone - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This method investigates the determination of total carbonyl content in aldehyde and ketone using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH).
Anthocyanogens in Beer - UV Vis Spectrophotometry
In this application note, the concentration of anthocyanogens, which are important in beer stability, is determined using a UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotomemter.
Total Sulfur Dioxide in Beer - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note details the quantitative enzymatic determination of total (free and bound) sulfur dioxide in beer samples.
Formaldehyde in Food Products - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note determines the amount of free formaldehyde in samples of food products using the acetylacetone method. To find out more, please proceed to download the application note below.
Gardner Color - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides experimental detail on how to determine the gardner color of different substances using UV/VIS spectrophotometry. Please proceed to download the PDF below to learn more.
Vitamin B12 Analysis - UV Vis Spectroscopy
Cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12, is an essential B vitamin. In this application note, vitamin B12 analysis is performed according to the USP 35 NF 30 S2 pharmacopoeia method using a UV7 Excellence spectrophotometer. For more information, please download the application note below.
Bradford Protein Assay - UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this assay, samples are measured at a wavelength of 595nm, then using a linear curve of absorbance versus concentration of standards, the concentration of unknown protein samples can be determined. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.
DOBI & Carotene Content of Crude Palm Oil - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This method determines the quality of crude palm oil and its oxidative status. DOBI is the numeric ratio of the spectrophotometric absorbance at 446 nm to that at 269 nm. The absorbance at 446 nm is also used for the calculation of the carotene content.
Magnesium in Serum - UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this experiment, a kit for the quantitative determination of magnesium in serum is applied. Magnesium forms a purple complex with chromogen calmagite in an alkaline solution. The intensity of he produced color, measured at 520 nm, is proportional to the magnesium concentration in the sample.
Olive Oil Purity Test UV/VIS
The olive oil purity and degree of oxidation can be verified by using UV/VIS spectroscopy. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.
UV/VIS Assay of Biuret Protein
This spectroscopy application note shows how a Biuret Protein assay is used to determine the total protein in biological samples. For this application has been used a UV7 Spectrophotometer and a CuvetteChanger from METTLER TOLEDO. For more information about this application, proceed to downlaod the page.
Determine the Color of Clear Solvents with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides complete details of determining the color of clear solvents using UV Vis spectrophotometer as a quick check for its quality. Download to learn more.
Determining Copper Content in Battery Wastewater Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the application of the UV Vis method for measuring copper concentrations in battery wastewater, highlighting its significance in environmental protection.
CSN EN Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on CSN EN standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
Ph. Eur. Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on Ph. Eur. standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
USP Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on USP standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
AOCS Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on AOCS standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
ASTM C Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on ASTM C standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
ASTM E Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the importance of ASTM E standards and their importance in material testing by UV/Vis spectroscopy in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, construction, and more.
ASTM D Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on ASTM D- standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
Determining Aluminium Content in Battery Wastewater Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note describes the procedure to accurately determine the aluminium content in battery wastewater with aluminon as the indicator using UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Cobalt Content in Battery Wastewater Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note describes a UV Vis spectrophotometric method to accurately determine cobalt content in battery wastewater with 1-nitroso-2-napthol as an indicator.
AACC Standard Norms and Instruments for UV/Vis Spectroscopy
This page is your go-to source for information on AACC standard norms and compatible instruments in UV/Vis spectroscopy. Discover the diverse applications of this analytical technique.
Nickel Content in Battery Wastewater Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note describes the method analogous to ISO 4939:2016 to determine the nickel content in battery wastewater using dimethylglyoxime method by UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Lithium Content in Battery Material Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This package describes a UV Vis spectrophotometer method to accurately determine lithium content in battery material and wastewater with Thorin as an indicator.
Determining Acid Dissociation Constant by an Automated Titration-UV Vis Workflow
This page describes the workflow of automated titration using a UV Vis spectrophotometer to improve the analytical workflow and to determine the acid dissociation constant for samples.
Quantification of Iron in Drinking Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note describes a method to determine iron (II) in drinking water using the phenanthroline method based on measuring absorbance at 510 nm of the iron-phenanthroline complex.
Spectroscopic Determination of Nicotine in E-Liquids
M9112/ The application note describes a spectroscopic UV method to quantify nicotine in E-Liquids. The method is based on an external calibration.
White Sugar Solution Color - UV Vis Spectroscopy

This application note applies to all crystalline or powdered white sugars and very pure syrups, and is valid for colors up to 50 ICUMSA™ (IU) color units. It is based on the international ICUMSA™ method GS2/3-10 (2005): "The Determination of White Sugar Solution Colour".

Determination of Manganese Content in Battery Wastewater Using UV Vis
This application package provides a method to determine the manganese content in drinking and battery wastewater using formaldoxime method by employing UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Determination of Caffeine Content in Soft Drinks with UV Vis
This application note outlines a step-by-step procedure for accurately determining the caffeine content in soft drinks using the solvent extraction method followed by quantification using UV Vis.
Determination of Honey Color Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
Honey color intensity is an excellent quality indicator. In this application note, honey color is determined using UV Vis spectrophotometer by measuring its absorbance at 560 nm.
Quantitative Analysis of Albumin in Blood Serum with UV Vis
This application note focuses on determining albumin, a blood protein, content in blood serum using a UV Vis spectrophotometer by measuring the absorbance at 630 nm.
Percentage Label Claim of Niacinamide with UV Vis
Niacinamide is used to treat the conditions caused due to vitamin B3 deficiency in the body. Determine the percentage label claim of niacinamide by measuring the absorbance at 262 nm using UV Vis.
Color and Clarity of Anhydrous Lactose with UV Vis
Pharmaceutical formulations require lactose that exhibits a clear solution. Download the method to leverage our expertise in determining the color and clarity of lactose using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Impurities Detection of Anhydrous Lactose with UV Vis
Download our free application note for a ready-to-use method to detect the protein and light-absorbing impurities present in lactose solution using UV Vis spectroscopy at a specific wavelength.
Sulfate Content Determination in Water with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a spectrophotometric method for the determination of sulfate content in water samples using the Spectroquant® Merck Sulfate Test Kit for easy sample preparation.
Chlorophylls and Carotenoid Content Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this application note, you will find a detailed method for the determination of chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoid content in green leafy vegetables using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Spectroscopic Determination of Aluminium Content in Ground Water
This application note gives a spectrophotometric method for the aluminium content determination in groundwater by simply measuring the absorbance of Aluminium-Eriochrome Cyanine R complex at 535 nm.
Hexavalent Chromium in Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a method for determining hexavalent chromium in water by spectroscopy. Simply measure the absorbance at 540 nm of the colored complex and get the content.
Iodine Value of Beer with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a spectrophotometric method for determining iodine value in beer samples for a quick quality check of starch and dextrin levels.
Iron Content Determination in Beer with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron content in beer samples by measuring the absorbance of colored iron complex at 560 nm.
Quantify Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Concentration with UV Vis
The absorbance of the chloroform of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) solution is measured using a UV Vis spectrophotometer to determine PFAS concentration.
Quantify Protein on Labelling with Fluorescent Dyes
This application aims to determine the concentration of the dye, the protein and the dye-to-protein ratio of labelled protein using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Determine L-Ascorbic Acid Content in Fruit Juice
This application note gives a complete solution for determining the concentration of L- ascorbic acid by enzymatic oxidation using a METTLER TOLEDO UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Determine Phosphate Content in Soil Using an EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
This page describes a simple method developed using METTLER TOLEDO’s EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers for the determination of phosphate in soil with a Spectroquant® test kit.
Color Measurement of Beer Using EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
This application note provides a spectrophotometric method for determining the color of beer samples according to ASBC and EBC methods using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.
Determine Tannin Content in Tea with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the method to measure the tannin content in tea, according to the ferric chloride method using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers.
Determine Total P-Tertiary-Butyl Catechol Content in Styrene and α-Methyl Styrene Using UV Vis
This page describes the method to measure the total p-tertiary-butyl catechol content in styrene and α-methyl styrene using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers.
Determine Magnesium Content in Water with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the method to measure the magnesium content of water with the help of a Merck Spectroquant® Test Kit 1.00815 using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers.
Determine Boron Content in Water with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the method to measure the boron content of water with the help of a Merck Spectroquant® Test Kit 1.00826 using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers.
Determining Sulfite Content in Beer Using an EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
This page describes the method to determine the sulfite content in beer using METTLER TOLEDO’s EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers. The method followed is equivalent to the ASBC Beer 21 method.
Determine Potassium Content in Soil with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the method to measure the potassium content in soil with the help of a Merck Spectroquant® Test Kit 1.14562 using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers.
Measure Sodium Benzoate in Soft Drinks with UV Vis
This page describes the method to measure the content of sodium benzoate in soft drinks using a METTLER TOLEDO EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers.
Determine Saybolt Color with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This page describes the method to measure the Saybolt color of light lubricating oils using METTLER TOLEDO EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers.
Calcium Content Determination in Beer with UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium content in beer samples using the Spectroquant® Merck Calcium test kit for easy sample preparation.
Spectrophotometric Determination of Zinc in Wine
This application note exhibits a simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of zinc in red and rose wine by measuring the absorbance of the orange-red complex of Zn at 493 nm.
Quantification of Phosphate in Beer with a Spectrophotometer
Phosphate content in beer strongly influences its taste and color. This application note provides a simple solution for the quantitative determination of phosphate in beer with a spectrophotometer.
Iron Content Determination in Wine with UV Vis Spectroscopy
Higher iron content in wine can lead to degradation of the product. This application note provides a simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron in wine. Download to learn more.
Iron in Sulfuric Acid Determination Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a complete solution for determining the iron content in sulfuric acid with a spectrophotometer by measuring the absorbance of the iron complex at 510 nm.
Iron Content Determination in Hydrochloric Acid Using a UV Vis Spectrophotometer
This application note provides a method for the quantitative determination of iron in hydrochloric acid using a UV Vis spectrophotometer by measuring the colored complex of iron at 510 nm.
Color Determination of Hydrochloric Acid Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
The quality of hydrochloric acid is tested based on its color. In this method, a known amount of ferric ion is added to hydrochloric acid, which is determined at 425 nm using UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Determination of Ammonia in Soil Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this application note, we provide a simple method for the estimation of ammonia in soil using a UV Vis spectrophotometer for the evaluation of soil quality.
Sugar Color Determination Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
In this application note, sugar color is determined to improve the refining process and maintain its quality using a UV Vis spectrophotometer as per the ICUMSA™ methods. Download and learn more.
Wine Color Determination Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
Wine color is an easy indicator of the quality of the wine. This application note provides a non-destructive and quick method for wine color analysis using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Determination of Total Nitrogen Content in Water
This application note gives a solution to determine the total nitrogen in water using a Spectroquant® Merck cell test kit (1.14763) and UV Vis spectrophotometer by measuring the absorbance at 340 nm.
Nitrite Content in Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a method for the determination of nitrite in water using UV Vis spectroscopy, where a red-violet azo dye is formed from nitrite salt and determined at 525 nm.
Determine Maple Syrup Color Spectrophotometrically
The taste and grade of maple syrup are based on its color. This application note provides a method for measuring the color of maple syrup using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Copper Content Determination in Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a method for the quantitative determination of copper in water at 605 nm using UV Vis spectroscopy with Spectroquant® Merck Copper Test Kit (Merck 1.14553).
Estimating Calcium Content in Water with UV Vis Spectroscopy
Calcium is a trace element needed by the body in the right quantity. This application note provides a simple solution to determine the precise calcium content in water using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Spectrophotometric Triclosan Analysis at 452 nm
Application Note M9114: Absorption of the colored azo derivative of Triclosan is measured at a wavelength of 452 nm using a UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometer.
Determine Biuret Content in Diesel Exhaust Fluid
This application note gives a detailed solution for determining the biuret content in Adblue® diesel exhaust liquid by performing UV Vis analysis of urea copper complex.
Determine Total Carbohydrate Content
This application note gives a detailed solution for determining total carbohydrates by UV Vis analysis using the phenol-sulphuric acid method.
Determine Aldehyde Content in AdBlue Diesel
This application note gives a detailed solution for determining the aldehyde content in AdBlue® diesel exhaust liquid by performing UV Vis analysis of purple-colored aldehyde-chromotropic acid complex.
Determine Fluoride in Water and Dental Supplements
This application note provides complete solution for determining the fluoride content in water and dental products by performing UV Vis analysis of Alizarin zirconyl complex.
Protein A280 Direct Measurement Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note provides a detailed method for determining the protein content by measuring absorbance at 280 nm using METTLER TOLEDO UV Vis spectroscopy.
Impurities in Ethanol
M9307/ This application note gives the method for quality control of ethanol using a UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Phenol Content in Urine Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
M9119/ This application note gives the method to determine the phenol content in in urine using UV Vis spectroscopy.
Formazin Turbidity of Water and Wine Using UV Vis
M9116/ This application note gives the method to check formazin turbidity of water and wine using a UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Polymer Content Determination in Monomer Raw Material with UV Vis
M9117/ This application note gives the method to determine the polymer content in monomer raw material in accordance to to ASTM D2121-2007
Titanium in Cement Determination with UV Vis
M9118/ This application note provides the method to determine TiO2 in cement using a UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Glucose and Fructose in Honey Using a UV Vis Spectrophotometer
M9026/ This application note gives the method for enzymatic detection of fructose and sucrose in honey using a UV Vis spectrophotometer.
Sugar Solution Color using MOPS Buffer - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This application note is based on the international ICUMSA™ method GS 9/1/2/3-8 (2005): "The Determination of Sugar Solution Colour at pH 7.0 by the MOPS Buffer Method"
Nucleic Acid - UV Vis Spectroscopy
Nucleic acid concentration determination is a common application in the life science industry. Click for more information on sample preparation, the experimental method, and results preparation.
Ibuprofen Ph. Eur. Compliance Test - UV Vis Spectroscopy
This spectroscopy application note shows how to check if ibuprofen API meets the quality requirements according to Ph. Eur. 8 by using the UV7 Spectrophotometer. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.


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