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Applikationer af interesse

Refractive Index Measurement of Foils, Gums and Granulates with the Foil Stamp on an RM
The RM Foil Stamp Set ME: 30384986 pushes samples such as foils, granulates or gums flat on the prism of the RM40 refractometers and ensures full contact of the sample with the refractive index cell during measurements. With this technique of pressing the sample on to prism contact liquid is no longer needed to ensure that there is no air gap between the sample and the prism. This application note covers the approached with the foil stamp, using foils and granulates in the determination of bound styrene in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR). The ASTM D5775 provides a norm which describes all necessary steps for sample preparation, measurement with an Abbe refractometer and calculation of the bound styrene content. Our foil stamp approach, although it does not fulfill all the requirements of the ASTM D5775 norm, can be regarded as a good alternative for measuring such samples.
Density, Relative Density and API Gravity
The application gives the method for automated compensation to the measured sample density at different temperatures, relative density and API gravity.
Determination of the Density and API Gravity of Oils and Paraffins
The density and derived quantities such as the specific gravity and API gravity are used worldwide to characterize liquid petroleum products and to compare their quality. Many crude oils, heavy oils, lubricating oils and paraffins are highly viscous or solid at room temperature. Their density is often still determined manually using hydrometers. The METTLER TOLEDOoptional heating devices in combination with oscillating U-tube digitaldensity meters allow density measurements to be automated and performedmuch more rapidly and reproducibly.
Certified Standards for Density Meters and Refractometers
This application shows how to use certified standards e.g. Water, Dodecan, 2-4 Dichlortoluene, 1-bromonaphtalene to check our LiquiPhysics Density Meters and Refractometers.
BRIX - Sugar Determination by Density and Refractometry
Concentration measurement of different sugars e.g. sucrose, maltose, glucose and HFCS to determine the Brix or or HFCS 42% 55% or 90% content with Density Meter or Refractometer.
Beer Analysis with Density and Refractive Index
Measurement of Wort, Extract, and Alcohol in the different steps of the brewing process, either with a density meter or a refractometer. It also describes how to use a combination of a refractometer and a density cell to measure the Real Extract, the Alcohol by Weight, the Alcohol by Volume and the Original Wort in beer.
Density or Specific Gravity of Sulphuric Acid Battery
The application gives the method to measure the specific gravity of sulphuric acid in the battery. This gives the measure of state of charge of battery for its quality control.
Refractive Index of Edible Oils and Fats | AOAC 921.08
Refractive index of edible oils and fats (AOAC 921.08) can be determined with a digital butyro refractometer with a temperature controlled meter.
Dropping Point of Petroleum Jelly
This application note provides detailed method to determine the dropping point for petroleum jelly according to Chinese and European Pharmacopoeia.
Lip Balm Analysis by Dropping Point and Slip Melting Point
This application note provides systematic methods for detecting the dropping point and slip melting point of lip balm samples with complex formulations.
Specific Gravity Determination of Cosmetics
Learn how the EasyPlus Density Meter and the syringe-pressing tool can improve specific gravity determination of cosmetic products.
Hand Sanitizer Formulation and Concentration Determination
Hand sanitizers are usually based on ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. Learn how to determine their concentration with a density meter.
Density and Refractive Index Quality Control of E-liquids
The application gives the density (DE) and refractometry (RE) techniques that can be used to determine the Propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) concentration ratio in E-liquids.
Compensated Density Of Solvents
The application gives the method to determine the quality of solvents by measuring their density. Further, it gives the method and calculation to compensate the values of density measured at different temperature.
Glycerin concentration in % w/w, d20
Glycerin, also known as glycerol, is widely used as raw material, in intermediate formulations and also in final products, in many industries such as pharmaceutical, cosmetics and personal care, food and chemical production. Its density, specific gravity (SG),and/or concentration are monitored to verify its purity during production, for identifying incoming products,or to determine its concentration in final or intermediate products for quality control purposes.
Quality Control with Brix Measurements
The application gives the method to measure brix value of three sample series (orange, apple, and multivitamin juice) consecutively for quality control of sugar in liquids.
Alcohol in % v/v w/w or Proof
With the Mettler Toledo Density2Go handheld density meters alcohol concentration measurements are simple. It can be expressed in units Proof US 60 F Proof IP 60 F
Density, S.G. and °API in Crude Oil according to ASTM D5002 and ISO 12185
Density is a fundamental physical property that can be used in conjunction with other properties to characterize the quality of crude oils. The American Petroleum Institute (API), is the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and natural gas industry and issued many international standards.This application desicribes the measurement of light crudes ant heavy crudes according to ASTM D5002 and ISO12185.
Determine Sugar Content without Sample Preparation
Learn how to perform Brix measurements without sample preparation with Easy Bev Refractometer.
Jet Fuel System Icing Inhibitors (FSII) Determination
Determine and monitor the correct concentration of ether-type additives on aviation fuels using a portable digital refractometer.
Monitoring the concentration of degreasing baths
This Application Note shows how the RM40 refractometer can be used for fast concentration monitoring of degreasing bath mixtures.
Multiparameter System Analyses Urea Ammonium Nitrate
This application note introduces an alternative method to measure the nitrogen (N) concentration in the fertilizer solution Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). With the Mettler Toledo fully-automated density and refractive index multiparameter system, the measurement of nitrogen concentration in liquid fertilizers can be performed easily, quickly, and safely without any additional chemicals.
Multiparameter Analysis in Flavors andFragrancesDensity, Refractive Index & Color in One Run
The Flavor and Fragrance industry produces ingredients for a wide range of products. Many producers, therefore, rely on a combination of physical parameters for the quality control of raw materials, bulks and finished products. Duringthis type of analysis, density, refractive index, color and sometimes polarity or pH are compared against reference limits. This Application Note demonstrates a typical automated multiparameter application for the flavor and fragrance industry, showing analysis time required and the high repeatability that can be achieved, even when a variety of samples are being tested in the same system.
Wine Fermentation Monitoring
The application gives the method to monitor the fermentation process using Density2Go handheld density meter
Density Measurement of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes
Application note describing the methodology to characterize the electrolytes of lithium-ion batteries through density.
Multiparameter Measurements of E-liquids
The application gives the setup of multiparameter system for simultaneously determining density, refractive index, pH and UV/VIS color in multi component sample like E-liquids. Samples of different nature, given by the presence or absence of nicotine as well as different flavors are easily characterized with this setup.



Citric Acid
Density concentration table (+20°C)
Density concentration table (+20°C)
Density concentration table (+20°C)
Hydrochloric Acid
Density concentration table (+20°C)
Nitric Acid
Density concentration table (+20°C)
Phosphoric Acid
Density concentration table (+20°C)
Sodium Chloride
Density concentration tables (+20°C)
Sodium Sulfate
Density concentration tables (+20°C)
Density concentration tables (+20°C)
Sulfuric Acid
Density concentration tables (+20°C)
Density concentration table (+20°C)



Density Measurement Guide
Download our Density Measurement Guide to achieve the best results and learn how to avoid errors when measuring density.


Brochure - Density and Refractometry Excellence
Developed for a wide range of applications, our intuitive instruments measure almost any sample with a very high accuracy, up to 6 decimal places in d...


Analytical Chemistry UserCom Overview
Expert Tips, Product News and Applications for Analytical Chemistry — Titration, pH, Density & Refractometry, Melting & Dropping Point, UV/VIS Spectro...


Digital density
Learn why manual methods for measuring density are being replaced with digital methods. This comparison datasheet gives a description, applications, a...
density measurement
Hydrometers, pycnometers, and digital hydrometers are used in quality and process control to determine the density of liquids. Learn more here.
Density Measurement
Learn all aspects of density measurement including, what is density and how it is measured.



For density measurement guides, whitepapers, webinars, or more information about our products, please visit our Expertise Library.

For specific applications in density visit our Applications Library.

Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Density Meters?Which MT instrument complies with
ISO/EN 15212-1Density using Oscillating U-TubeYesDensito, DensitoPro, EasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40 Excellence D4, D5, D6


Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Density Meters?Which MT instrument complies with
DIN EN ISO 3675Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products -- Laboratory determination of density -- Hydrometer methodAccuracy and repeatability met with Mettler-Toledo density meters.Excellence D4, D5 and D6
ANSI 1250Manual of Petroleum Measurement StandardsYesDensito, DensitoPro,
EasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
API Std 2540 Standard Guide for API TablesYesDensito, DensitoPro,
EasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
ASTM D1250 Standard Guide for API TablesYesDensito, DensitoPro,
EasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
ASTM D1475Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, and Related Products - using cup or pycnometerNot applicable, pycnometerNot applicable
ASTM D2501Standard Test Method for Calculation of Viscosity-Gravity Constant (VGC) of Petroleum OilsYes, density onlyExcellence D4, D5 and D6
ASTM D4052Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density MeterYesExcellence D4, D5 and D6
ASTM D4806Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine FuelYes, density onlyEasy D30, Easy D40, Excellence D4, D5 and D6
ASTM D5002Density of Crude OilsYesExcellence D4, D5 and D6
ASTM D5931Density of Engine CoolantsYesEasy D40, Excellence D4, D5 and D6
ASTM D6448Standard Specification for Industrial Burner Fuels from Used Lubricating OilsYes, density onlyEasy D30, Easy D40, Excellence D4, D5 and D6
ASTM D7777Density of General Samples by Portable MeterYesDensito, DensitoPro,
DIN 51757Density of Mineral Oils and Related MaterialsYesExcellence D4, D5 and D6
EN 14214:2003Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) for diesel enginesYesExcellence D4, D5 and D6
IP 200/52 API Manual of Petroleum Measurement StandardsYesEasy D40, Excellence D4, D5 and D6
IP 365Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Determination of density - Oscillating U-tube methodYesExcellence D4, D5 and D6
IP 559Density of Fuels by Portable Digital MeterYesDensito, DensitoPro
ISO 91Petroleum Measurement TablesYesEasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
ISO 12185-2Density of Crude Oils and General SamplesYesExcellence D4, D5, D6
ISO 2811-3Paint and varnishes IP 365 – Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products using oscillating U-tubeYesExcellence D4, D5, D6
GB/T 13531.4-2013General methods on determination of cosmetics-Determination of relative density
化妆品通用检验方法 相对密度的测定
YesEasy D30, Easy D40, Excellence D4, D5 and D6
GB/T 2013-2010Standard test method for density of liquid petrochemical products
YesEasy D40, Excellence D4, D5 and D6


Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Density Meters?Which MT instrument complies with
Directive 2009/106/CEFruit JuiceYes 
AOAC Official Method 988.06Specific Gravity of Beer and WortYesEasy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
AOAC Official Methods of Analysis 920.57, 920.62 (17th Ed)Alcohol in Wines By Volume from Specific Gravity / Extract of winesYesExcellence D5, D4
AOAC Official Methods of Analysis 950.28, 982.10 (17th Ed)Specific gravity of nonalcoholic beverages  / Alcohol by volume in distilled liquors. Density methodYesExcellence D5, D6
ASBC Beer-2BSpecific Gravity by digital density meter (1978)YesExcellence D5, D6
ASBC Beer-5Real Extract (B. Beer measured gravimetrically (1958), C. Real Extract determined refractometrically (1982))YesExcellence D5, D6
European Union Spirits drinks: COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 2870/2000Community reference methods for the analysis of spirits drinksYesExcellence D5, D6
European Union Wines: COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 128/2004Community methods for the analysis of wines - comparison between hydrostatic balance and electronic densimetry, proving them as equivalentYesExcellence D5, D6
European Union Wines: COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 2676/90Community methods for the analysis of wines - specifies only hydrostatic balances, hydrometers, pycnometersSee EC No 128/2004Excellence D5, D6
ISO 18301Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre weight in air) -- Oscillating U-tube methodYesExcellence D4, D5, D6
OIV Alcohol content in wine and mustsCOMPENDIUM OF INTERNATIONAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS-OIVYesExcellence D5, D6
OIV Analysis method for density measurement in wine and mustsOIV Analysis method for density measurement in wine and mustsYesExcellence D4, D5, D6
OIV MA-BS-03Alcoholic strength determination using pycnometerAccuracy and repeatability met with Mettler-Toledo density meters.Excellence D4, D5, D6Easy D30, Easy D40
OIV MA-BS-04Alcoholic strength determination using oscillation methodYesExcellence D5, D6
OIV MA-BS-06Density determination of alcohols and alcoholic beverages using U-tube methodYesExcellence D5, D6
GB5009.225—2016Determination of the concentration of ethanol in wine
Yes, only suitable for beer ,brandy ,whisky and vodkaEasy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
SN/T 0801.8-2010Determination of density in animal and vegetable oils and fats import and export
Not applicable, pycnometerNot applicable
GBT 11540-2008Fragrance/Flavor substances-Determination of relative density
YesEasy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
JJF1070-2005Rules of Metrological Testing for Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content
YesEasy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6


Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Density Meters?Which MT instrument complies with
Pharm. Eu. (2005) JP (2005) USP (2006)Density using Oscillating U-tubeYesEasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
Ph. Eur. 2.2.5 Relative densityYesEasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
USP chapter 841 (as of USP 29)Specific gravity Method IIYesEasyPlus Easy D30, Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6
Chinese pharmacopoeia 0601The measurement for relative densityYesEasyPlus Easy D40
Excellence D4, D5, D6


Refractive Index

For refractometry measurement guides, whitepapers, webinars, or more information about our products, please visit our Expertise Library.

For specific applications in refractometry visit our Applications Library.

Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Refractometers?Which MT instrument complies with
AOAC 983.01 Determination of Urea in Fluid Fertilizers Containing Water-Soluble Urea-Formaldehyde Reaction Products YesExcellence R4, R5
ASTM D1218Refractive index of General ProductsYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
ASTM D1747Refractive Index of Viscous MaterialsYesExcellence R4, R5
ASTM D 1807Standard Test Methods for Refractive Index and Specific Optical Dispersion of Electrical Insulating LiquidsYesExcellence R4, R5
ASTM D2140Standard Practice for Calculating Carbon-Type Composition of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin (Viscosity Gravity Constant)YesExcellence R4, R5
ASTM D3321Freezing Point Engine CoolantsYesRefracto 30PX/GS
ASTM D4095 Standard Practice for Use of the Refractometer for Determining Nonvolatile Matter (Total Solids) in Floor PolishesYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
ASTM D4542Refractive Index of Soluble Salt of SoilsYesExcellence R4, R5
ASTM D5006System Icing InhibitorsYesExcellence R4, R5
DIN 51423 - part 1Refractive Index of Mineral OilsYesExcellence R5
UOP 816Refractive index of General ProductsYesExcellence R4, R5
DIN 51423 - part 2Measurement of the relative refractive index with the Abbe-refractometerYesExcellence R4, R5
ICUMSA SPS-3 (2000)
Refractometry and TablesYesExcellence R4, R5
ISO 280Essential oils - determination of refractive indexYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
ISO 8036Immersion liquids for light microscopyYesExcellence R5
GB/T 6488-2008Liquid chemicals-Determination of refractive index at 20℃
液体化工产品 折光率的测定(20℃)
Not applicable,Abbe refractometer with refractive index range from 1.3 to 1.7Not applicable
GB/T 614-2006Chemical reagent-General method for the determination of refractive index
Not applicable,Abbe refractometer with refractive index range from 1.3 to 1.7Not applicable


Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Refractometers?Which MT instrument complies with
AOAC 896.02 Sucrose in sugars and syrups. Double dilution methodYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 898.02 Physical Constants of 10 Per Cent Distillate of Lemon and Orange OilsYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 905.01 Methanol in Distilled Liquors Immersion Refractometer MethodYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 920.141 Refractive index of lemon and orange oilsYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 920.78 Index of Refraction of Cacao FatYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
AOAC 921.08 Index of refraction of oils and fatsYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
AOAC 932.12 Solids (Soluble) in Fruits and Fruit Products Refractometer Method YesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 932.14, Section C Solids in SyrupsYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 940.09 Total solids in cordials and liqueurs YesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 943.05 Dry substance in corn syrups and sugarsYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 945.102 Oil (mineral) in fatYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 948.10 Water (added) in milk YesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 950.04 Alcohol by Volume in Distilled Liquors Refractometer Method YesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 950.13 Alcohol in Nonalcoholic Beverages YesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 953.16  Fruit Content (Approximate) of Frozen Fruit-Sugar MixturesYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 969.18 Refractive Index of ButterfatYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 969.38 Moisture in honey YesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 970.15 Alcohol (by weight) in beer. Refractometer methodYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 970.59 Solids (Soluble) in Tomato Products Refractive Index Method YesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
AOAC 976.20 Solids (Soluble) in Frozen Concentrate for Lemonade - Refractometer Method Sucrose Content with Citric Acid Correction FactorYesExcellence R4, R5
AOAC 983.17 Solids (Soluble) in Citrus Fruit Juices Refractometer MethodYesExcellence R4, R5
ICUMSA GS4/3 – 13 (2004)Refractometric Dry Substance (RDS %) of Molasses and Very Pure Syrups (Liquid Sugars)YesExcellence R4, R5
ISI 06-1eDetermination of Dry Matter in Syrup by Refractive IndexYesExcellence R4, R5
OIML R 108 Refractometers for the measurement of the sugar content of fruit juicesYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
OIV MA-AS2-02 Evaluation of sugar by refractometryYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
OIV MA-AS312-01BEvaluation by refractometry of the sugar concentration in grape musts, concentrated grape musts and rectified concentrated grape mustsYesEasy R40, Excellence R4, R5
A.O.C.S. Official method Cc7-25Refractive Index (sampling analysis of commercial fats and oils)YesExcellence R4, R5
GBT 5527-2010
Determination of refractive index of animal and vegetable oils
动植物油脂 折光指数的测定
Yes, refractive index range from 1.3 to 1.7Easy R40
GBT 10786-2006Analytical methods of canned food
YesEasy R40, Brix, Excellence R4, R5 
GBT 14454.4-2008Fragrance/Flavor substances-Determination of refractive index
香料 折光指数的测定
Yes, refractive index range from 1.3 to 1.7Easy R40
GB/T 12143-2008General analytical methods for beverage
YesEasy R40, Brix, Excellence R4, R5


Standard or RegulationShort DescriptionCompatible with Mettler-Toledo Refractometers?Which MT instrument complies with
USP 831 Refractive IndexYesExcellence R4, R5, Easy R40, Easy Brix
Ph. Eur. 2.2.6 Refractive IndexYesExcellence R4, R5, Easy R40, Easy Brix
Chinese pharmacopoeia 0622The measurement for refractive indexYes, refractive index range from 1.3 to 1.7Easy R40




ANSI: American National Standards Institute
AOAC: Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
AOCS: American Oil Chemists' Society
API: American Petroleum Institute
ASBC: American Society of Brewing Chemists
ASTM: American society for testing and materials
DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung
EN: CEN, European Committee for Standardization
ICUMSA*: International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis
IP: Institute of petroleum
ISI: Certification for industrial products in India
ISO: International standardization organization
OIV: International Organization of Vine and Wine
Ph.Eur.: European Pharmacopeia
USP: United States Pharmacopeia

* ICUMSA® is a trademark of ICUMSA Ltd. and Verlag Dr. Albert Bartens KG.

ICUMSA Ltd. and Verlag Dr. Albert Bartens KG (further the "Trademark Owners") and Mettler-Toledo GmbH and the Mettler-Toledo group of companies (further "Mettler-Toledo") are independent companies. Nothing in this publication implies or is intended to imply any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement or commercial relationship between the Trademark Owners and Mettler-Toledo or to imply any approval or endorsement by the Trademark Owners in favor of Mettler-Toledo instruments. Correct results for analysis according to the ICUSMA methods referred herein can only be reached by following the original ICUMSA method instructions.

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