X-ray systems are used in meat, poultry, and seafood production to inspect for physical contaminants including metal, calcified bone, glass, and more. Our extensive range of x-ray inspection systems can inspect everything from frozen beef patties, raw chicken in pipelines, packaged fresh fish and anything in between. In addition to contamination detection, our systems perform integrity and completeness checks to monitor for under-filled, damaged, or unsealed packages.
نحن ندعم أجهزة فحص المنتج الخاصة بك ونقوم بصيانتها طوال دورة حياتها الكاملة، بدءًا من التركيب ومرورًا بالصيانة الوقائية والمعايرة ووصولًا إلى إصلاح الأجهزة.