Overmætning og krystalliseringsudvikling

Den drivende kraft for krystalkimdannelse og vækst

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Guide til udvikling af krystallisering
Krystalliseringsprocesser ved overmætning
Vigtigheden af overmætning for krystalkimdannelse og vækst
Krystalkimdannelse og vækst
Guide til udvikling af krystallisering
Overvågning og regulering af overmætning ved krystallisering
Krystallisering ved regulering af overmætning
Procesudvikling ved krystallisering


Applikationer af den drivende kraft i krystalkimdannelse og vækst

Optimization of Crystal Properties and Process Performance

Recrystallization is a technique used to purify solid compounds by dissolving them in a hot solvent and allowing the solution to cool. During this process, the compound forms pure crystals as the solvent cools, while impurities are excluded. The crystals are then collected, washed, and dried, resulting in a purified solid product. Recrystallization is an essential method for achieving high levels of purity in solid compounds.

Solubility and Metastable Zone Width (mzw) Determination
Byggeblokkene i krystallisering

Opløselighedskurver er almindeligt anvendte for at illustrere forholdet mellem opløselighed, temperatur og type af opløsningsmiddel. Ved at plotte temperatur vs. opløselighed, kan forskerne skabe de nødvendige rammer for at udvikle den ønskede krystalliseringsproces. Når et passende opløsningsmiddel er valgt, bliver opløselighedskurven et vigtigt værktøj til udvikling af en effektiv krystalliseringsproces.

Crystal Nucleation and Growth
Den drivende kraft for krystalkimdannelse og vækst

Forskere og ingeniører får kontrol over krystalliseringsprocesser ved omhyggelig justering af niveauet af overmætning under processen. Overmætning er den drivende kraft ved kimdannelse i krystallisering og vækst og vil i sidste ende bestemme den endelige fordeling af krystalstørrelser.

Measure Crystal Size Distribution
Gør krystalliseringen bedre med inline partikelstørrelse, og -form, samt måling af partikeltal

In-process sondebaserede teknologier anvendes til at spore partikelstørrelse og formændringer ved fuld koncentration uden at fortynding eller ekstraktion er nødvendig. Ved at spore hastigheden og graden af ​​ændring i partikler og krystaller i realtid, kan de korrekte procesparametre til ydeevne ved krystallisering optimeres.

Crystallization Seeding Protocol
Design and Optimize Seeding Protocol for Improved Batch Consistency

Seeding is one of the most critical steps in optimizing crystallization behavior. When designing a seeding strategy, parameters such as seed size, seed loading (mass), and seed addition temperature must be considered. These parameters are generally optimized based on process kinetics and the desired final particle properties, and must remain consistent during scale-up and technology transfer.

Oiling Out in Crystallization
Detect and Prevent Oiling Out (Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation)

Liquid-Liquid phase separation, or oiling out, is an often difficult to detect particle mechanism that can occur during crystallization processes.

Anti-Solvent Addition on Supersaturation
How Solvent Addition Can Control Crystal Size and Count

In an antisolvent crystallization, the solvent addition rate, addition location and mixing impact local supersaturation in a vessel or pipeline. Scientists and engineers modify crystal size and count by adjusting antisolvent addition protocol and the level of supersaturation.

Temperature Effects Crystallization Size and Shape
Supersaturation Control Optimizes Crystal Size and Shape

Crystallization kinetics are characterized in terms of two dominant processes, nucleation kinetics and growth kinetics, occurring during crystallization from solution. Nucleation kinetics describe the rate of formation of a stable nuclei. Growth kinetics define the rate at which a stable nuclei grows to a macroscopic crystal. Advanced techniques offer temperature control to modify supersaturation and crystal size and shape.

Temperature Effects Crystallization Size and Shape
Scaling-Up Agitation, Dosing, and Crystallization

Changing the scale or mixing conditions in a crystallizer can directly impact the kinetics of the crystallization process and the final crystal size. Heat and mass transfer effects are important to consider for cooling and antisolvent systems respectively, where temperature or concentration gradients can produce inhomogeneity in the prevailing level of supersaturation.

Crystal Polymorphism
Understand Polymorphism and the Impact of Process Parameters

Crystal polymorphism describes the ability of one chemical compound to crystallize in multiple unit cell configurations, which often show different physical properties.

protein crystallization
Create Structured, Ordered Lattices for Complex Macromolecules

Protein crystallization is the act and method of creating structured, ordered lattices for often-complex macromolecules.

Lactose Crystallization
Recover Lactose with High Yield and Scalable Process

Lactose crystallization is an industrial practice to separate lactose from whey solutions via controlled crystallization.

Batch Crystallization Optimization and Process Design
Generate Supersaturation and Determine Final Crystal Product

A well-designed batch crystallization process is one that can be scaled successfully to production scale - giving the desired crystal size distribution, yield, form and purity. Batch crystallization optimization requires maintaining adequate control of the crystallizer temperature (or solvent composition).

Continuous Crystallization Processes
Real-Time Monitoring for Modeling and Control

Continuous crystallization is made possible by advances in process modeling and crystallizer design, which leverage the ability to control crystal size distribution in real time by directly monitoring the crystal population.

MSMPR crystallizer workstation
Improve Crystallization Experiments with Precise Control

The MSMPR (Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal) crystallizer is a type of crystallizer used in industrial processes to produce high-purity crystals.


Recrystallization is a technique used to purify solid compounds by dissolving them in a hot solvent and allowing the solution to cool. During this process, the compound forms pure crystals as the solvent cools, while impurities are excluded. The crystals are then collected, washed, and dried, resulting in a purified solid product. Recrystallization is an essential method for achieving high levels of purity in solid compounds.

Solubility and Metastable Zone Width (mzw) Determination

Opløselighedskurver er almindeligt anvendte for at illustrere forholdet mellem opløselighed, temperatur og type af opløsningsmiddel. Ved at plotte temperatur vs. opløselighed, kan forskerne skabe de nødvendige rammer for at udvikle den ønskede krystalliseringsproces. Når et passende opløsningsmiddel er valgt, bliver opløselighedskurven et vigtigt værktøj til udvikling af en effektiv krystalliseringsproces.

Crystal Nucleation and Growth

Forskere og ingeniører får kontrol over krystalliseringsprocesser ved omhyggelig justering af niveauet af overmætning under processen. Overmætning er den drivende kraft ved kimdannelse i krystallisering og vækst og vil i sidste ende bestemme den endelige fordeling af krystalstørrelser.

Measure Crystal Size Distribution

In-process sondebaserede teknologier anvendes til at spore partikelstørrelse og formændringer ved fuld koncentration uden at fortynding eller ekstraktion er nødvendig. Ved at spore hastigheden og graden af ​​ændring i partikler og krystaller i realtid, kan de korrekte procesparametre til ydeevne ved krystallisering optimeres.

Crystallization Seeding Protocol

Seeding is one of the most critical steps in optimizing crystallization behavior. When designing a seeding strategy, parameters such as seed size, seed loading (mass), and seed addition temperature must be considered. These parameters are generally optimized based on process kinetics and the desired final particle properties, and must remain consistent during scale-up and technology transfer.

Oiling Out in Crystallization

Liquid-Liquid phase separation, or oiling out, is an often difficult to detect particle mechanism that can occur during crystallization processes.

Anti-Solvent Addition on Supersaturation

In an antisolvent crystallization, the solvent addition rate, addition location and mixing impact local supersaturation in a vessel or pipeline. Scientists and engineers modify crystal size and count by adjusting antisolvent addition protocol and the level of supersaturation.

Temperature Effects Crystallization Size and Shape

Crystallization kinetics are characterized in terms of two dominant processes, nucleation kinetics and growth kinetics, occurring during crystallization from solution. Nucleation kinetics describe the rate of formation of a stable nuclei. Growth kinetics define the rate at which a stable nuclei grows to a macroscopic crystal. Advanced techniques offer temperature control to modify supersaturation and crystal size and shape.

Temperature Effects Crystallization Size and Shape

Changing the scale or mixing conditions in a crystallizer can directly impact the kinetics of the crystallization process and the final crystal size. Heat and mass transfer effects are important to consider for cooling and antisolvent systems respectively, where temperature or concentration gradients can produce inhomogeneity in the prevailing level of supersaturation.

Crystal Polymorphism

Crystal polymorphism describes the ability of one chemical compound to crystallize in multiple unit cell configurations, which often show different physical properties.

protein crystallization

Protein crystallization is the act and method of creating structured, ordered lattices for often-complex macromolecules.

Lactose Crystallization

Lactose crystallization is an industrial practice to separate lactose from whey solutions via controlled crystallization.

Batch Crystallization Optimization and Process Design

A well-designed batch crystallization process is one that can be scaled successfully to production scale - giving the desired crystal size distribution, yield, form and purity. Batch crystallization optimization requires maintaining adequate control of the crystallizer temperature (or solvent composition).

Continuous Crystallization Processes

Continuous crystallization is made possible by advances in process modeling and crystallizer design, which leverage the ability to control crystal size distribution in real time by directly monitoring the crystal population.

MSMPR crystallizer workstation

The MSMPR (Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal) crystallizer is a type of crystallizer used in industrial processes to produce high-purity crystals.


Udgivelser om den drivende kraft i krystalkimdannelse og vækst

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