Isocyanate Reactions

Process Analytical Technology for Continuous Measurement of NCO

Control Residual Isocyanates in Polyurethane Polymerizations
Polymerization Publications


Applications Related to Controlling Residual Isocyanate

Control Residual Isocyanate
Process Analytical Technology for Continuous Measurement of NCO

Concerns over exposure to residual isocyanates in reactions led to limits for residual isocyanates in new products. Use PAT for measurement of NCO.

Misura delle reazioni polimeriche
Tecniche e metodi per lo sviluppo dei polimeri sintetici

La misura nelle reazioni polimeriche è fondamentale per produrre materiali conformi ai requisiti, assicurando immediata comprensione, accuratezza, riproducibilità e maggiore sicurezza.

Impurity Profiling of Chemical Reactions
Automated Process Development Strategies for Chemists

Impurity profiling aims at identification and subsequent quantification of specific components present at low levels, usually less than 1% and ideally lower than 0.1 %.

Hydrogenation Reactions
Safe Reaction Monitoring at Elevated Temperature and Pressure

Hydrogenation reactions are used in the manufacturing of both bulk and fine chemicals for reducing multiple bonds to single bonds. Catalysts are typically used to promote these reactions and reaction temperature, pressure, substrate loading, catalyst loading, and agitation rate all effect hydrogen gas uptake and overall reaction performance. Thorough understanding of this energetic reaction is important and PAT technology in support of HPLC analysis ensure safe, optimized and well-characterized chemistry.

High Pressure Reactions
Understand and Characterize High Pressure Reactions Under Challenging Sampling Conditions

Many processes require reactions to be run under high pressure. Working under pressure is challenging and collecting samples for offline analysis is difficult and time consuming. A change in pressure could affect reaction rate, conversion and mechanism as well as other process parameters plus sensitivity to oxygen, water, and associated safety issues are common problems.

Halogenation Reactions
Key Syntheses in Pharmaceutical and Polymer Chemistry

Halogenation occurs when one of more fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine atoms replace one or more hydrogen atoms in an organic compound. Depending on the specific halogen, the nature of the substrate molecule and overall reaction conditions, halogenation reactions can be very energetic and follow different pathways. For this reason, understanding these reactions from a kinetics and thermodynamic perspective is critical to ensuring yield, quality and safety of the process.

Catalytic Reactions
Accelerate Chemical Reactions With a Catalyst

Catalysts create an alternative path to increase the speed and outcome of a reaction, so a thorough understanding of the reaction kinetics is important. Not only does that provide information about the rate of the reaction, but also provides insight into the mechanism of the reaction. There are two types of catalytic reactions: heterogeneous and homogeneous. Heterogeneous is when the catalyst and reactant exist in two different phases. Homogeneous is when the catalyst and the reactant are in the same phase..

reazioni di sintesi
Strumenti automatici per realizzare prodotti che cambiano la vita

Una reazione di sintesi è un reazione chimica in cui elementi o composti semplici si combinano per formare un prodotto più complesso. È rappresentato dall'equazione: A + B → AB.

Progettazione degli esperimenti (DoE)
Un approccio statistico all'ottimizzazione delle reazioni

La progettazione degli esperimenti (DoE) prevede l'esecuzione di esperimenti in condizioni ben controllate e riproducibili per l'ottimizzazione delle reazioni chimiche. I reattori di sintesi chimica sono progettati per effettuare studi di DoE garantendo dati di qualità elevata.

Reaction Mechanism Pathway
Fundamental Understanding of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting Them

Reaction mechanisms describe the successive steps at the molecular level that take place in a chemical reaction. Reaction mechanisms cannot be proven, but rather postulated based on empirical experimentation and deduction. In situ FTIR spectroscopy provides information to support reaction mechanisms hypotheses.

Organometallic Synthesis
Understanding and Control of Organometallic Compounds

Organometallic Synthesis, or Organometallic Chemistry, refers to the process of creating organometallic compounds, and is among the most researched areas in chemistry. Organometallic compounds are frequently used in fine chemical syntheses and to catalyze reactions. In situ Infrared and Raman spectroscopy are among the most powerful analytical methods for the study of organometallic compounds and syntheses.

Sintesi di oligonucleotidi
Garantite rendimento, purezza e budget previsto

La sintesi di oligonucleotidi è la reazione chimica mediante la quale i nucleotidi si legano in modo specifico per formare un prodotto con la sequenza desiderata.

Che cos'è l'alchilazione?
Per reazioni chiave in chimica organica

L'alchilazione è il processo mediante il quale un gruppo alchilico viene aggiunto a una molecola di substrato. Le reazioni di alchilazione sono una tecnica ampiamente utilizzata in chimica organica.

Key Functional Groups for Synthesis of Polymers and Pharmaceuticals

This page outlines what epoxides are, how they are synthesized and technology to track reaction progression, including kinetics and key mechanisms.

Key C-C Bond-Forming Reactions in Molecular Synthesis

The Suzuki and related cross-coupling reactions use transition metal catalysts, such as palladium complexes, to form C-C bonds between alkyl and aryl halides with various organic compounds.

Lithiation Organolithium Reactions
Key Reagents for Synthesizing Complex Molecules

Lithiation and organolithium reactions are key in the development of complex pharmaceutical compounds; organolithium compounds also act as initiators in certain polymerization reactions.

Functionalization of Carbon Bonds

C-H bond activation is a series of mechanistic processes by which stable carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic compounds are cleaved.

Per una sintesi asimmetrica delle molecole chirali senza l'uso di metalli

L'organocatalisi prevede l'uso di specifiche molecole organiche in grado di accelerare le reazioni chimiche mediante l'attività catalitica.

hydroformylation reaction example
Understanding Key Mechanisms and Improve Catalytic Processes

Hydroformylation, also known as oxo synthesis, is a chemical reaction involving the addition of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H₂) to an unsaturated compound, typically an alkene or alkyne. The reaction is catalyzed by transition metal complexes, such as rhodium or cobalt, leading to the formation of aldehydes or aldehyde derivatives.

click chemistry tools for click reactions
In-Situ Chemistry to Support Click Reactions

Click reactions refer to chemical reactions that meet the criteria of click chemistry. Click reactions are typically fast, high-yielding, and occur under mild conditions, making them ideal for a variety of applications.

Reattori continui a serbatoio agitati CSTR
Tecnologia a flusso per la sintesi chimica e biologica

Un reattore continuo a serbatoio agitato (CSTR) è un serbatoio in cui reagenti e reattanti flusso in un reattore, mentre il prodotto della reazione esce dal serbatoio.

Control Residual Isocyanate

Concerns over exposure to residual isocyanates in reactions led to limits for residual isocyanates in new products. Use PAT for measurement of NCO.

Misura delle reazioni polimeriche

La misura nelle reazioni polimeriche è fondamentale per produrre materiali conformi ai requisiti, assicurando immediata comprensione, accuratezza, riproducibilità e maggiore sicurezza.

Impurity Profiling of Chemical Reactions

Impurity profiling aims at identification and subsequent quantification of specific components present at low levels, usually less than 1% and ideally lower than 0.1 %.

Hydrogenation Reactions

Hydrogenation reactions are used in the manufacturing of both bulk and fine chemicals for reducing multiple bonds to single bonds. Catalysts are typically used to promote these reactions and reaction temperature, pressure, substrate loading, catalyst loading, and agitation rate all effect hydrogen gas uptake and overall reaction performance. Thorough understanding of this energetic reaction is important and PAT technology in support of HPLC analysis ensure safe, optimized and well-characterized chemistry.

High Pressure Reactions

Many processes require reactions to be run under high pressure. Working under pressure is challenging and collecting samples for offline analysis is difficult and time consuming. A change in pressure could affect reaction rate, conversion and mechanism as well as other process parameters plus sensitivity to oxygen, water, and associated safety issues are common problems.

Halogenation Reactions

Halogenation occurs when one of more fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine atoms replace one or more hydrogen atoms in an organic compound. Depending on the specific halogen, the nature of the substrate molecule and overall reaction conditions, halogenation reactions can be very energetic and follow different pathways. For this reason, understanding these reactions from a kinetics and thermodynamic perspective is critical to ensuring yield, quality and safety of the process.

Catalytic Reactions

Catalysts create an alternative path to increase the speed and outcome of a reaction, so a thorough understanding of the reaction kinetics is important. Not only does that provide information about the rate of the reaction, but also provides insight into the mechanism of the reaction. There are two types of catalytic reactions: heterogeneous and homogeneous. Heterogeneous is when the catalyst and reactant exist in two different phases. Homogeneous is when the catalyst and the reactant are in the same phase..

reazioni di sintesi

Una reazione di sintesi è un reazione chimica in cui elementi o composti semplici si combinano per formare un prodotto più complesso. È rappresentato dall'equazione: A + B → AB.

Progettazione degli esperimenti (DoE)

La progettazione degli esperimenti (DoE) prevede l'esecuzione di esperimenti in condizioni ben controllate e riproducibili per l'ottimizzazione delle reazioni chimiche. I reattori di sintesi chimica sono progettati per effettuare studi di DoE garantendo dati di qualità elevata.

Reaction Mechanism Pathway

Reaction mechanisms describe the successive steps at the molecular level that take place in a chemical reaction. Reaction mechanisms cannot be proven, but rather postulated based on empirical experimentation and deduction. In situ FTIR spectroscopy provides information to support reaction mechanisms hypotheses.

Organometallic Synthesis

Organometallic Synthesis, or Organometallic Chemistry, refers to the process of creating organometallic compounds, and is among the most researched areas in chemistry. Organometallic compounds are frequently used in fine chemical syntheses and to catalyze reactions. In situ Infrared and Raman spectroscopy are among the most powerful analytical methods for the study of organometallic compounds and syntheses.

Sintesi di oligonucleotidi

La sintesi di oligonucleotidi è la reazione chimica mediante la quale i nucleotidi si legano in modo specifico per formare un prodotto con la sequenza desiderata.

Che cos'è l'alchilazione?

L'alchilazione è il processo mediante il quale un gruppo alchilico viene aggiunto a una molecola di substrato. Le reazioni di alchilazione sono una tecnica ampiamente utilizzata in chimica organica.


This page outlines what epoxides are, how they are synthesized and technology to track reaction progression, including kinetics and key mechanisms.

The Suzuki and related cross-coupling reactions use transition metal catalysts, such as palladium complexes, to form C-C bonds between alkyl and aryl halides with various organic compounds.

Lithiation Organolithium Reactions

Lithiation and organolithium reactions are key in the development of complex pharmaceutical compounds; organolithium compounds also act as initiators in certain polymerization reactions.

C-H bond activation is a series of mechanistic processes by which stable carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic compounds are cleaved.


L'organocatalisi prevede l'uso di specifiche molecole organiche in grado di accelerare le reazioni chimiche mediante l'attività catalitica.

hydroformylation reaction example

Hydroformylation, also known as oxo synthesis, is a chemical reaction involving the addition of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H₂) to an unsaturated compound, typically an alkene or alkyne. The reaction is catalyzed by transition metal complexes, such as rhodium or cobalt, leading to the formation of aldehydes or aldehyde derivatives.

click chemistry tools for click reactions

Click reactions refer to chemical reactions that meet the criteria of click chemistry. Click reactions are typically fast, high-yielding, and occur under mild conditions, making them ideal for a variety of applications.

Reattori continui a serbatoio agitati CSTR

Un reattore continuo a serbatoio agitato (CSTR) è un serbatoio in cui reagenti e reattanti flusso in un reattore, mentre il prodotto della reazione esce dal serbatoio.


Publications and Webinars Related to Controlling Residual Isocyanates

White Papers

Minimizzare i residui di isocianato nel poliuretano
Gli isocianati influenzano le prestazioni dei polimeri nel poliuretano utilizzato in rivestimenti, schiume, adesivi, ecc. Il monitoraggio in linea gra...

On-Demand Webinars

Professor Robson Storey - University of Southern Mississippi
Real-time in situ mid-infrared monitoring of polymerization reactions involving isobutylene and styrene is the focus of this presentation. Professor R...
Controllo di qualità in bioprocessi e fermentazione
La fermentazione e i bioprocessi rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nella scoperta e nella produzione di nuovi farmaci e specialità chimiche. Ciononostan...
Polymerization Process Monitoring
This presentation discusses polymerization process monitoring and how the value of real-time in situ Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy co...
Misura delle reazioni polimeriche
La misura nelle reazioni polimeriche è fondamentale per produrre materiali conformi ai requisiti, assicurando immediata comprensione, accuratezza, rip...


ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications
This free Citation List presents an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications related to the use of in-situ ReactIR spectroscopy for the advancemen...

Prodotti correlati

Technology to Control Residual Isocyanates