Offre Spéciale
Information Produit

5 Reasons to Use Automated Product Quality Management Software

Offre Spéciale
Information Produit

For real-time monitoring of Food Safety and Quality Control processes

ProdX Quality Management Software for Product Inspection
ProdX Quality Management Software for Product Inspection

When it comes to data and quality management software, simple spreadsheet programs are a common choice. This isn't because they are the best solution, but because they are readily available (often built into computer operating systems) and familiar (most computer users have used them at one point in their life). While spreadsheet tools can be quite versatile and can manage large amounts of data, the recording process is manual, time-consuming, and prone to operator-error. That's why for quality inspection data management in manufacturing - particularly for quality control within the food industry - the best quality management system software solution to rely on is one that offers automated collection of data.

Below we highlight five reasons for using a QMS software for the food industry to automate and digitalize data collection for your safety and quality control documentation processes.

5 Reasons to Use an Automated Product Data and Quality Management Software Solution

  1. Manual processes are labor intensive and inefficient 
    Collecting production data on paper for later entry into a spreadsheet is time-consuming. The entire manual process of collection, collation, analysis, and reporting often requires the time and effort from multiple employees, with each person in the process relying on the previous person to complete their task before they can start theirs. Using automated inspection data management software means employees have more time spend on other tasks, adding value to the business.
  2. Manual data collection can’t give you an immediate, overall picture
    When it comes to identifying the potential for costly production and quality issues, quick access to a complete data set is vital. Data which is manually collected will only identify production and quality issues at the end of a production period when the data has been analyzed. Small delays in any of the collection and analysis steps can add up and eventually turn into a big problem. With the right quality management software solution, you can see data in real-time, allowing for a proactive and rapid response when production and quality issues arise.
  3. Human error is inevitable
    Manual and repetitive or complex tasks performed by humans have a high risk of error. Time constraints and high workloads in a fast-paced production environment can increase that risk exponentially. In addition, food safety standard documentation and record-keeping requirements are constantly evolving. This can create confusion as to what information is needed, or add to the pressure to provide quick data. One typo, copy/paste error, or formula mistake when managing production data can be catastrophic – especially when you use the data to make high-stakes business decisions.
  4. Supply chain digitalization trends
    It is only a matter of time before Critical Control Point (CCP) data from product inspection devices will be required in the food supply chain to support the automation of:
    • Billing processes which use self-validation systems
    • Logistic processes reducing storage and handling times
    • Routine audit processes influencing time and frequency of on-site food safety audits
    Getting on board with a reliable food safety and quality management software early can save you from headaches in the future!
  5. Increased return on investment with more efficient use of resources
    Manual collection of quality and CCP data is a significant investment of time, money, and resources for food manufacturers. Moving towards data automation with the help of quality inspection data management software speeds up time-consuming processes to increase the operational efficiency and productivity of your workforce. You also benefit from reduced production waste, a lower risk of recalls, and of course, proof of due diligence!



The ProdX Solution: Increasing the Productivity of Your Workforce

ProdX Software from METTLER TOLEDO
ProdX Software from METTLER TOLEDO

The Product Inspection division of METTLER TOLEDO provides automated inspection technology solutions to aid manufacturers across the globe with improving process efficiency and complying with industry food safety standards and regulations. Every day we engage with clients who want to reduce costs and increase productivity. With ProdX Data Management Software we also help food manufacturers with reducing their need for overly-manual processes.

  • Our ProdX software will collect your data automatically and accurately in real-time, for paperless efficiency
  • Automated sharing of configurable reports for fast distribution of performance information across all teams
  • Continuous, real-time monitoring allows for a rapid reaction to issues as they happen, reducing downtime and product recall risk, and helping accelerate your return on investment to a matter of weeks
  • Data modelling can be configured to suit individual role requirements for efficient and focused working practices
  • Our experience in the field of safety and quality control in the food industry helps you implement the best practices for producing a product that is safe, high quality, and compliant
  • A 60-day free software trial can get you up and running fast!