IND890com Weighing Terminal - Niet meer leverbaar

Communication Application
for Weighing Terminal Integration into Industrial Processes

The Com-890 application allows a remote PC to assume complete control of the IND890 terminal, taking advantage of all its powerful features and benefits. This capability can be used whenever a process is controlled by a remote PC; the application allows the PC to retrieve weight data from the IND890 and to send commands to it, integrating the weighing terminal into the overall control scheme. To enhance control and consistency of the weighing application, on-screen messages can be sent to the IND890 for display to the operator. This is particularly useful when the weighing application is in a harsh environment not suited for a PC; adding Com-890 to the weighing terminal allows the PC and its operators to remain in the secure environment.

Niet meer leverbaar sinds: May, 2021

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Documentatie - IND890com Weighing Terminal

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Specificaties- IND890com Weighing Terminal

Specificaties - IND890com Weighing Terminal
Toepassingen Data communication
Display Color touchscreen, 10 inches
Number of attachable platforms Up to four scale interfaces
Operating systems Windows CE
Memory Compact Flash
Mounting options Desk or wall (with ergonomic swivel bracket)