White paper

Accurate pH Chemical Dosing

White paper

How to Reduce Chemical Waste and Avoid Boiler Corrosion

Accurate pH Chemical Dosing
Accurate pH Chemical Dosing

Appropriate and accurate pH chemical dosing into a power plant's water cycle is essential to minimize chemical waste and boiler corrosion. With a well-managed water-treatment system, a power plant's pre-boiler, boiler, steam and condensate systems will all receive a continuous supply of high-purity water. This white paper covers how continuous, high accuracy monitoring of pH measurement in a power plant water system allows for efficient pH chemical dosing to reduce costly chemical waste and reduce corrosive conditions.

Managing a constant supply of high-purity water requires continuous monitoring of pH with equipment that gives you real-time responsiveness at optimal accuracy levels. This allows for quick responsiveness with pH chemical dosing to eliminate adverse conditions that can cause corrosion in expensive equipment such as boilers and turbines.

Virtually all power plants are unique. Differences include how it is fueled, the amount of power it generates, the steam generator or boiler type, the profile of the incoming water and the metallurgy of the water coursing through the power plant. Because of this, each power plant requires its own regime of pH chemical dosing to protect the water system from corrosive conditions. This white paper addresses how accurate pH measurement supports accurate pH chemical dosing operations to ensure that costly over-dosing and under-dosing are avoided, as both can cause corrosive water conditions.

pH chemical dosing is the process of treating the water in a power plant's water or steam generating system with various chemicals to protect the metallurgy of the water system. This process uses various chemicals that are designed to remove or reduce the environmental conditions that are detrimental to the health of the water system.

In this white paper on pH chemical dosing, METTLER TOLEDO Thornton's pH specialist discusses the variables that can have an effect on the metallurgy of a power plant's water system, from makeup water, steam, condensate water, feed water, blowdown, cooling tower water and effluent water.

It then discusses the importance of pH measurement for avoiding corrosive conditions, and the effectiveness of different pH sensor technologies to ensure accurate measurement. Finally, it discusses how, using the right equipment, you can gather multiple analytical measurements from your water system on one multi-parameter transmitter for reliable monitoring of your water system's metallurgic characteristics.

Download the white paper to learn how accurate pH chemical dosing is the result of effective monitoring with the right equipment, and how with precise measurement you can save pH chemical dosing costs and help minimize corrosion of expensive equipment.