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The M800 multi-channel transmitter is a full color transmitter that offers simultaneous monitoring of one, two or four in-line sensors plus two additional inputs for flow sensors to achieve maximum flexibility and control of analytics in your process. Featuring the ability to integrate with Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) sensors, the M800 multi-channel, multi-parameter transmitter provides sensor diagnostic information to help users plan their maintenance program to reduce time and effort.
Refractometer Excellence R5
Überragende Instrumententechnologien für die verschiedensten Anwendungen: Das Excellence Refraktometer R5 ermöglicht besonders schnelle Brechzahlmessungen in einem Bereich von 1.32 bis 1.58, mit automatischer Temperaturregelung im Bereich von 5 bis 75 °C.
Refractometer Excellence R4
Der Allrounder für alltägliche Routineaufgaben: Das Excellence Refraktometer R4 ermöglicht besonders schnelle Brechzahlmessungen in einem Bereich von 1.32 bis 1.70, mit automatischer Temperaturregelung im Bereich von 0 bis 100 °C.
Refractive Index Cell RX5
Die RX5 Messzelle kann mit Excellence Dichtemessgeräten kombiniert werden, um Dichte und Brechzahl in einem Arbeitsgang zu messen. Die RX5 Messzelle bestimmt die Brechzahl in einem Bereich von 1.32 bis 1.58, mit automatischer Temperaturregelung im Bereich von 5 bis 75 °C.
Refractive Index Cell RX4
Die RX4 Brechzahlzelle kann an ein Excellence Dichtemessgerät angegliedert werden, um Dichte und Brechzahl in einem Arbeitsgang zu messen. Die RX4 bestimmt die Brechzahl in einem Bereich von 1.32 bis 1.70, mit automatischer Temperaturregelung im Bereich von 0 bis 100 °C.
Handrefraktometer MyBrix 10pcs box
Mit einem kompletten Brix-Bereich und 10 integrierten Zuckerskalen bietet MyBrix schnelle Messungen für nahezu alle Lebensmittel- und Getränkeproben. Dank seines kompakten, robusten und wetterfesten Designs ist dieses tragbare Gerät ideal für Messungen vor Ort und im Feld.
Handrefraktometer MyBrix
Mit einem kompletten Brix-Bereich und 10 integrierten Zuckerskalen bietet MyBrix schnelle Messungen für nahezu alle Lebensmittel- und Getränkeproben. Dank seines kompakten, robusten und wetterfesten Designs ist dieses tragbare Gerät ideal für Messungen vor Ort und im Feld.
The M800 offers measurement of pH/ORP, dissolved and gas-phase oxygen, dissolved CO2, conductivity, resistivity, TOC, dissolved ozone, flow and turbidity in pure water and process applications. Lees meer
This full color transmitter is designed for ISM sensors. The M800 vividly displays predictive sensor diagnostics, including remaining sensor lifetime and the time until calibration is needed.
The ISM tools provided with the M800 help better plan your sensor maintenance program. ISM Plug and Measure technology simplifies and reduces effort during measurement point commissioning.
The user interface of the M800 enables users to create shortcuts and customize their screen to meet their preferences and access information quickly. A color indicator provides intutive status info.
The M800 is well suited for monitoring in pharmaceutical waters and processes, power generation water cycle chemistry, ultrapure water for microelectronics manufacturing and brewing.
The M800's intuitive user interface allows for complete analytical control at your fingertips thanks to the color touchscreen that provides simple and convenient operation.
This multi-channel transmitter offers 1-, 2- and 4- channel models, models specific for water or process monitoring and connectivity with Ethernet/IP, Profinet and Profibus DP.
The M800 multi-parameter transmitter provides simultaneous monitoring of one, two or four in-line sensors for measurement of conductivity, TOC, dissolved ozone, pH / ORP, optical DO and amperometric oxygen (DO as well as O2 gas) in water applications. Lees meer
The M800 multi-parameter transmitter provides simultaneous monitoring of one, two or four in-line sensors for measurement of pH/ORP, optical DO, amperometric oxygen (DO as well as O2 gas), conductivity and CO2, turbidity in process applications. Lees meer
The M800 Multi-parameter transmitter is an online process instrument for measuring various properties of fluids and gases. Lees meer
The M800 transmitter must only be installed, connected, commissioned, and maintained by qualified specialists. Lees meer
The M800 transmitter family is a collection of multi-parameter, multi-channel transmitters with a full-color, touchscreen display, that offers simultaneous monitoring of one, two or four in-line sensors to achieve maximum flexibility and control of analytics in your process. The M800 also provides a series of calculated measurements, such as calculated pH, which uses conductivity measurements to calculate pH.
The M800 gives access to all ISM features when integrated with a digital ISM sensor, and as a full color transmitter, it gives you the most versatile view. Tools such as the Dynamic Lifetime Indicator (which tells you the remaining lifetime of a sensor), and Adaptive Calibration Timer (which tells you how long until a sensor needs calibrated) use color indications to ensure you can clearly see when a sensor needs maintenance. ISM technology on the M800 offers true predictive maintenance, resulting in fewer unscheduled shutdowns. The M800 also has Plug and Measure, which allows you to hot-swap a sensor by calibrating it away from the process and then quickly implement it into the process without the need for calibration at the measurement point.
The M800 can display 10 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese (Simplified).
There are multiple versions of the M800 transmitter. The M800 Process is designed for process measurements in pharmaceutical, chemical and food/beverage production. It is available in both a polycarbonate and stainless-steel design. The M800 Water is a multi-channel water transmitter that is designed for water monitoring in pharmaceutical waters, power plant cycle chemistry and semiconductor waters. Various models of the M800 transmitter also offer different communication protocols, including Ethernet/IP, Profibus DP and Profinet.