Tiếng Việt

Total Sulfur Dioxide in Beer - UV Vis Spectroscopy

Analysis of Sulfur Dioxide in Beer According to MEBAK

This application note details the quantitative enzymatic determination of total (free and bound) sulfur dioxide (SO2) in beer samples. For more information, please proceed to download the method below.

Why is sulfur dioxide present in beer?

Sulfur dioxide acts as an antimicrobial and antioxidant preservative in Beer and is formed naturally during the fermentation process. Although providing these useful properties, it can produce undesirable odours and tastes, as well as cause allergic reactions when present in higher concentrations. Therefore, brewers must monitor the content of SO2 in beer as a quality control procedure during production.

How is the concentration of sulfur dioxide in beer determined?

MEBAK (Mitteleuropäische Brautechnische Analysenkommission) developed this spectroscopic method for the analysis of SO2 in beer. A sulfite test-combination kit is used along with our UV7 Excellence spectrophotometer for the quanitative enzymatic determination of total SO2 in beers. UV Vis Spectrophotometry is a desirable method of beer analysis due to its ease of use, reliability and short time-to-results. For detailed information on the equipment, method, and results analyses, please proceed to download the application note below.