Tiếng Việt

Slip Melting Point of Lip Balm

Sampling Techniques of Slip Melting Point Analysis

In this application note, you will learn about two methods of sample preparation and the slip melting point measurement of lip balm samples using METTLER TOLEDO's melting point apparatus.

Significance of Slip Melting Point of Lip balm

Lip balm is a complex mixture of beeswax or carnauba wax, camphor, cetyl alcohol, paraffin and petroleum jelly. The complex formulation of such products can be characterized by slip melting point analysis since they do not  possess a sharp melting point.

Sample Preparation

Conventional sampling technique and direct sampling techniques are two different methods of sample preparation for slip melting point analysis. The conventional method involves insertion of a capillary tube into a sample after melting it at its lowest temperature possible.

After allowing the sample to rise inside the capillary up to 10 mm in height, it is frozen at 4o C overnight. Then, it is placed into the outer capillary filled with water, so that the lower end of the inner capillary is located 30 mm below the water's surface.

The second method deals with the direct insertion of the slip melting point inner capillary into a semi-solid sample. Upon gentle pressing, the sample rises into the capillary up to 10 mm in height.

Slip melting point is the temperature at which the column of solid samples rises in the capillary on heating under a given set of conditions.

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