Tiếng Việt

DSC Microscopy Kit - Sản phẩm ngưng sản xuất

Hệ thống kính hiển vi DSC.Tùy chọn kính hiển vi cho các thiết bị DSC

Đo DSC với quan sát trực quan

Các đường cong DSC thường thể hiện các hiệu ứng khó có thể hiểu được. Trong trường hợp đó, việc quan sát quá trình diễn ra trong mẫu là rất hữu ích.

Các thiết bị có trong tùy chọn kính hiển vi

Hệ thống kính hiển vi DSC chứa một camera CCD với phần mềm thu nhận và xử lý hình ảnh được đồng bộ hóa với chương trình nhiệt độ DSC.

Khả năng nâng cấp

Có thể nâng cấp DSC lên thành hệ thống kính hiển vi DSC trong chưa đầy một phút, bao gồm tính năng đo lường bằng kính hiển vi ánh sáng phản xạ.

Material No.: 51143087

Ngưng sản xuất từ: Aug, 2024

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Tài liệu - DSC Microscopy Kit

Tài liệu quảng cáo sản phẩm

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Phụ tùng - DSC Microscopy Kit

Application Examples - DSC Microscopy Kit

DSC-microscopy analysis of an active pharmaceutical ingredient

The melting point is an important characteristic property of a substance. The DSC measurement of an active pharmaceutical substance (API) yielded a curve with two main peaks – an endothermic peak with a maximum at 210.8 °C and an exothermic peak at about 228 °C. A smaller peak was also apparent between these two peaks at about 214 °C. The initial interpretation was that the endothermic peak at 210.8 °C is due to melting. The DSC-microscopy results, however, told a different story. No melting was observed at 211 °C – the first signs were detected at about 214 °C. Clearly, the endothermic DSC peak is not caused by a melting process. The color change of the molten substance leads one to conclude that it decomposes immediately on melting. The small DSC peak observed at about 214 °C is therefore the sum of two simultaneously occurring effects – endothermic melting and exothermic decomposition. Separate TGA-MS measurements showed that the endothermic DSC peak at 210.8 °C is caused by the evaporation of water of crystallization.

Dehydration of CoCl2 hexahydrate

The images illustrate the dehydration process of cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate when it is heated from 30 °C at 1.5 K/min. The initial ruby-red color becomes lighter and lighter until it suddenly changes at about 55 °C. Further color changes are observed between 100 °C and 120 °C and at 160 °C. The differences can be quantified by calculating a curve showing image brightness as a function of temperature. The DSC curve shows a broad endothermic peak up to 80 °C with a sharp peak at about 55 °C superimposed on it. Two further endothermic peaks follow at about 104 and 130 °C. The brightness first increases and then suddenly decreases at about 55 °C. Afterward, it increases again in several steps. The peak at about 55 °C is due to a change in crystalline structure. The images around 55 °C show small droplets of water on the surface of the crystals. This indicates that part of the water of crystallization eliminated from the crystal lattice during the solid- solid transition collects on the surface of the crystals and then evaporates. This is completed by about 80 °C. The two broad endothermic peaks on the DSC curve and the step-like changes in the brightness are due to further loss of water of crystallization.

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Các thông số- DSC Microscopy Kit

Các thông số - DSC Microscopy Kit
Kỹ thuật
Phân tích nhiệt quét vi sai (DSC)
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