Tiếng Việt

ADSC – A Single Frequency Temperature Modulated DSC Technique


Temperature-Modulated DSC Techniques Such as ADSC Permit Better Interpretation of Different Thermal Events.

ADSC – a temperature modulated DSC technique

ADSC techniques permit overlapping effects to be distinguished; this is achieved by separating heat flow into reversing and non-reversing heat flow components.

Temperature modulated DSC differs from conventional DSC in allowing the total heat flow to be separated into reversing and non-reversing heat flow components. Such techniques are frequently applied to help analysts distinguish between processes or transitions that overlap or lie very close to one another.

ADSC yields new information not obtained by conventional DSC, which allows you to understand and interpret the different thermal events that occur in the sample. Its main benefits include:

  • Separation of superimposed effects at a single frequency
  • Accurate cp determination using Aluminum as reference


ADSC – a single frequency temperature modulated technique

In ADSC, a small sinusoidal temperature modulation at a particular frequency is superimposed on the linear temperature program. The modulation is characterized by its amplitude and its period or frequency. The resulting temperature program causes the heat flow to vary in a sinusoidal manner. Continuous averaging of the heat flow over one cycle yields the total heat flow generated by the underlying heating rate. The reversing heat flow is determined from the amplitude of the modulated heat flow and the modulated heating rate. The difference between the total heat flow and the reversing heat flow gives the non-reversing heat flow.