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pH Meters in Chlorine Production

For the Toughest Chlor-Alkali Processes

pH Meters in Chlorine Production alkali ph process analytics brine cycle chlorine ph chloralkali meter coolwater control ph electrode Inpro 4850

Conditions in chlor-alkali processes are very tough on pH electrodes: chlorine poisons sensor reference systems, crystalized brine and precipitated impurities clog diaphragms, and the environment corrodes contacts. Additionally, the high-impedance output signal of sensors designed for the process is highly susceptible to interference. In short, sensors perform poorly and quickly fail.

The new InPro 4850i dual-membrane pH electrode answers all these problems. Its reliability, longevity and low maintenance ensure exceptional measuring performance, no matter how tough it gets.

pH meter InPro 4850i

For the Toughest Chlor-Alkali Processes


Key features and benefits:


  • Sodium-reference (pNa) system. The electrode features a sodium-sensitive glass membrane which is charged by the sodium ions in the brine. The sensor uses the sodium concentration of the brine itself as a reference.
  • Absence of diaphragm ensures stable measurement and eliminates drift. The pNa reference system is hermetically sealed; there is no diaphragm, therefore no oxidants can enter the electrode and attack the reference system.
  • Digital output provides 100% signal stability. The InPro 4850i features Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM). This technology transmits a digitized signal from the sensor to the transmitter. As the signal is digital, it is low impedance so arrives at the transmitter unaffected by electrical interference.



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Download  free white paper:  No More Tears: Durable Chlor-Alkali pH Electrode 

Elevated temperatures, presence of chlorine and high salt concentration throughout the chlor-alkali process make stable and reliable pH measurement with conventional pH electrodes a constant challenge. Further, the conditions mean electrode lifetime is usually short; therefore, costs in terms of sensor maintenance and replacement are high. A dual-membrane electrode that uses the process brine as a reference, is immune to measurement problems.In addition, digital transmission from sensor to transmitter provides exceptional signal stability.

This white paper explains:

  • Membrane cell chlorine production
  • Problems with conventional pH electrodes
  • pNa/pH technology
  • Measurement challenges
  • Plug and Measure – fast and simple start up                                                                                                                                                             

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ph meters for alkaline processes
ph meters for alkaline processes

ph meters in alkalines processes webinar
ph meters in alkalines processes webinar

Watch Webinar: New Technology for Precise and Reliable pH Measurement in the Chlor-Alkali Process

Efficient production of chlorine through the membrane cell chlor-alkali method relies on careful control of pH level. Extreme process conditions and issues with pH electrode design, has meant reliable pH measurement has been highly problematic - until now.

Thanks to an advance in sensor technology, dependable pH measurement from a highly durable sensor is available for the first time.

In this 10-minute webinar you will discover:

  • The issues surrounding pH measurement in the chlor-alkali process
  • Why advanced glass expertise and, in particular, a digital signal are the solution
  • The significant benefits Intelligent Sensor Management brings to pH electrode handling and maintenance

Watch the Webinar

pH Sensor Selector - Find the best pH sensor for your chemical process 


Selecting the right pH sensor for your process can be a tricky business. Liquid acidity/alkalinity, temperature, pressure, and the presence of oxidants, solvents, etc. all have to be taken into account. To set you down the right track, METTLER TOLEDO has launched an online pH Sensor Selector. Simply enter your process data, and the Selector will choose the most appropriate pH probe from METTLER TOLEDO's wide portfolio.


Try the pH Sensor Selector at:www.mt.com/PRO-pHsensor