
Dissolved Oxygen Control in Breweries

DO Management from Pre-Fermentation to Packaging

You put a lot of effort into crafting your beers, and the last thing you want is for it to go bad before a customer gets a chance to taste it. Unfortunately, letting oxygen taint your beer will do just that. This means control of DO is of great importance. 

Understanding how dissolved oxygen affects wort during hot and cold side production is key to knowing where to take care not to introduce oxygen. During production steps, from pre-fermentation to packaging/filling, it is vital to avoid errors that can lead to product being unknowingly tainted resulting in, at best, wasted beer and at worst, a lost customer.

Find out in this on-demand webinar where and how to measure dissolved oxygen. Topics include:

  • Pre-fermentation
  • Fermentation
  • Transfer to bright tanks
  • Transfer from bright to packaging
  • In-package DO measurement

Target audience:

Production engineers, continuous improvement officers, quality managers, automation engineers.