
Chlorine Production Process Improvements


Guide on Chlorine Production in the Chemical Industry

Chlorine is one of the most commonly used chemical elements, with uses ranging from water treatment to synthesis of PVC to silicon chip manufacture. The pH level throughout the chlor-alkali process is crucial to maximizing yield.

Reliably measuring pH levels during chlorine production is very difficult to achieve consistently. This guide looks at how to increase production efficiency and reduce sensor maintenance efforts while using equipment that resists harsh conditions.

In "5 Process Improvements for Chlorine Production", you will find articles on precise pH measurement and ultra-low detection of moisture. The guide covers: 

  • Increase Production Efficiency: pH Sensor Withstands Chlorine Processes
  • Reduce Maintenance Efforts: Extended Lifetime & Built-In Diagnostics 
  • Prevent Corrosion: Ultra-Low Detection of Moisture
  • Resisting Harsh Conditions: Reliable Dual-Membrane Sensors
  • Improve Caustic Soda Cooling: Accurate, Precise pH Measurement

The InPro 4850i is a high-quality pNa / pH electrode that is uniquely different to other probes for chlor-alkali use, because the InPro 4850i outputs a digital signal. The electrode is one of METTLER TOLEDO‘s expanding portfolio of Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM®) instruments. ISM significantly improves sensor handling, reduces the maintenance requirement for measurement systems and increases process availability, leading to greater productivity. Central to the way ISM sensors operate is a microprocessor in the sensor head. This digitizes the analog measurement signal which it then exchanges with the transmitter. Because the signal is digital, it is unaffected by electrical interference and remains unchanged, even over very long cable runs. By combining a sealed reference system with Intelligent Sensor Management‘s digitized signal along with ISM‘s other significant advantages, the InPro 4850i provides unequalled measuring performance, requires little maintenance and is exceptionally durable.

METTLER TOLEDO GPro® 500 tunable diode laser (TDL) spectrometer sensors output a laser beam that is tuned to scan the wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum where absorption lines of the target species, in this case H2O, are present. The water molecules absorb the laser light and the sensor analyzes the change in light intensity to determine the water concentration in the dry chlorine.

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