
Lean Laboratory Glossary


Dictionary of Lean Lab Terms

Lean Laboratory Glossary
Lean Laboratory Glossary

This Lean Laboratory Glossary entitled "Dictionary of Lean Lab Terms" is a simple reference guide to help you to understand the terminology used in Lean Laboratory.

Lean Management principles are being applied increasingly to  laboratories to improve efficiency. A Lean Laboratory approach typically involves a variety of different methods, tools and processes.

The challenge is that with so many different Lean Manufacturing and Lean Laboratory terms, many of Japanese origin, it can be confusing to remember what all these terms mean!

The Lean Laboratory Glossary provides:

  • A comprehensive list of the acronyms and  terms commonly used in Lean Management;
  • A short explanation of each of these terms;
  • A description of where the term is used and how it can help you.

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Excerpt from the Lean Lab Glossary: