XS3 H Checkweigher

The Hygiene Standard

Product and water build-up is minimised by avoiding level surfaces on the conveyor and weighcell supports, as well as the exclusive use of circular tubes on the horizontal section of the frame. The minimal contact conveyor support clamps and open frame construction facilitate easy cleaning. Seam welding improves hygiene and reduces the risk of bacteria build-up. With the reduced number of support legs, hygienically designed cable runs and an additional "customer's cable" duct, GARVENS offer a flexible system specifically to your requirements.

The industry proven, modular design can be enhanced with the full range of software options and accessories available. This allows you to tailor the checkweigher to your specific application requirements. It is particularly service friendly, cutting maintenance time to an absolute minimum and significantly reducing downtime.

With the "auto setup" software wizard and the user friendly 15” touchscreen interface, very little training is required in setting up the menus. The multilingual user profile and product image functions ensure fast product changeover and fewer operator errors, resulting in a minimum of downtime.

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Specifications - XS3 H Checkweigher

Load cellEMFR
Accuracy (at 3 Sigma)from ± 0.02g
Checkweighing rangeup to 6000g
Throughput (pcs./minute)max. 400
Approval"Weights and Measures" design-approval in certain countries / MID certifiable
Product preset memories200
Weight classificationup to 7 weight zones
Terminal screentouchscreen colour display, TFT 15", resolution 1024 x 768 pixel (XVGA)
Standard sorting device

pusher (air jet on enquiry)

Power115/230 V (AC),50/60 Hz,  single-phase, 500 VA

Features and benefits

Hygienic design

The hygienic open design is in line with extremely strict international food processing regulations. All surfaces are curved and have a fine smooth finish which is perfect for frequent washdowns. Enables quick and easy cleaning.

Large selection of data connection ports

All production data and statistical information can be made available in real-time within your local network. Production and quality managers can access and review all relevant data from their desks. Enables rapid response to problems and facilitates preventive measures, thereby minimising downtime.

Easily customised

An extensive range of standard infeed, weighing and outfeed belt lengths and widths as well as rejection and sorting devices is available to cover almost any requirements. All checkweigher components can also be customised to meet your specific needs for perfect integration into your current production line.

SQC/SPC software compatibility

Allows installation of a wide range of optional software packages for complete production control, remote access and line optimisation, such as FreeWeigh.Net and ProdX. Increases line efficiency and reduces product giveaway.

EMFR load cell

Electromagnetic Force Restoration (EMFR) technology ensures sustained accuracy over long periods of time and minimises weighing errors caused by changes in temperature and humidity. Reduces expensive giveaway, prevents underweight products from leaving the factory, protects your brand and ensures legal compliance.

Checkweigher feedback fill control option

The feedback control software automatically sends a signal to your filling machine to increase or decrease the fill level, bringing it back to exact target weight. Saves money by reducing product giveaway, increases profitability and prevents consumer disappointment associated with underfilling.

The hygienic open design is in line with extremely strict international food processing regulations. All surfaces are curved and have a fine smooth finish which is perfect for frequent washdowns. Enables quick and easy cleaning.

A wide range of configuration options, add-ons and accessories make our system your bespoke solution.



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XS3 H Checkweigher