Руководство по применению

pH Measurement of Canned Foods

Руководство по применению

How to Accurately Measure pH Levels in Canned Foods: Best Practices for Food Safety

pH of canned foods
pH of canned foods

If you're in canned food production, you know how crucial it is to maintain the right pH levels for safety and quality. A lower pH means a more acidic environment, which helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, such as Clostridium botulinum, which can lead to botulism. And if the pH drops too low, you might miss out on food's vitamins, minerals, and pigments and risk making it taste sour or bitter.

How do you find the perfectly balanced pH for canned food, then? Measuring the pH of canned food with conventional sensors poses many challenges. Their spherical sensing membranes often struggle with solid or semi-solid samples, leading to inaccurate readings and potential damage to the sensor.

That is why specialized pH sensors, like the InLab Solids Pro-ISM, are required. With its spear-shaped tip crafted from toughened glass, the sensor effortlessly penetrates solid and semi-solid food samples, ensuring reliable and consistent pH measurements — whether you're dealing with solid pieces or liquid brine.

Download our application note for best practices, tips, and insights to elevate your quality control process in canned food.

The following section covers questions and additional information on the importance of measuring the pH of canned foods.


How can I prevent sensor damage while measuring the pH of canned foods?

Check out our video to learn more.

Why is measuring the pH of canned foods important?

Measuring the pH in canned foods is crucial for ensuring food safety and quality. pH levels can affect the preservation process, taste, texture, and microbial stability of the product. For compliance, the pH of canned foods must be monitored and frequently tested during intermittent stages of the production process. As per the processes mentioned in 21 CFR 114.80, the required pH must be achieved within a designated time. Leakage or under-processing of canned food causes the growth of microbes, leading to spoilage. Measuring the pH of canned foods therefore helps to screen for the presence of certain microbes, as listed in the examination of canned foods chapter in the Food and Drug Administration's Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM).

What are common challenges in measuring pH in canned foods?

Challenges include the presence of solid particles, the influence of high salt content, and the need for accurate and consistent sample preparation to obtain reliable readings.

What type of electrode is recommended for measuring pH in canned foods?

For measuring pH in canned foods, a robust, easy-to-clean electrode (InLab Solids Pro-ISM) with a suitable reference system resistant to clogging is recommended. An electrode with an open junction design can be particularly useful.

How should samples be prepared for pH measurement?

Samples should be homogenized to ensure consistency. If the food contains large particles or solid matter, blending or diluting the sample might be necessary to achieve a uniform mixture.

Can the pH measurement be affected by the temperature of the canned food?

Yes, temperature can significantly affect pH readings. It is important to calibrate the pH meter at the same temperature as the sample or use a temperature-compensated pH meter.

Are there any specific regulatory standards for pH measurement in canned foods?

Regulatory standards may vary by country and product type, but adherence to guidelines from food safety authorities such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) is essential for ensuring compliance. Strict guidelines are required to protect against serious health risks such as those caused by the pathogen Clostridium botulinum, and to tackle other food safety concerns. 21 CFR (United States Code of Federal Regulations) describes guidelines for the canned foods industry.

For further details on sensor selection, good measuring practices, and how to optimize the pH level of canned food, download our application note.