Информационный документ

Food Safe pH Sensor

Информационный документ

The Highest Production Safety

For decades, the food and beverage industry’s been looking for a food safe, in-line pH sensor that withstands cleaning processes. As detailed in this white paper, the InPro X1™ provides exactly this.

The risk of glass contaminating products has meant that food and beverage companies have not been able to use in-line, glass pH sensors in critical processes, despite the huge benefits that real-time monitoring brings. 

The InPro X1 with its unique X-Chip™ technology has solved this problem.

X-Chip — полностью твердотельный чувствительный элемент pH, обладающий исключительной механической прочностью. It uses the same potentiometric measurement principle as the pH-sensitive glass used in pH sensors, but unlike traditional sensors, the X-Chip is extremely robust and cannot shatter.

Due to the sensor's absence of an inner buffer solution, measurement drift is very low and sensor calibration intervals can be extended by up to 100%, allowing cost savings in human intervention and maintenance.

The InPro X1 has a hygienic design that meets all major food regulations, including 3A, EHEDG and EC1935/2004, and it has passed the US military’s MIL-STD-810H drop test.Датчик InPro 2000i использует технологию цифрового управления датчиками (ISM
) МЕТТЛЕР ТОЛЕДО. Among its benefits, ISM offers sensor calibration away from the process, and advanced diagnostics that predict when calibration or replacement will be required.

The fragility of glass pH sensors has prevented them from being widely used in food and beverage applications, and their need for regular calibration has been associated with increased operating costs. Уникальная конструкция датчиков InPro X1 МЕТТЛЕР ТОЛЕДО, основанных на технологии X-Chip, является эффективным решением всех перечисленных проблем. It offers food safe, high accuracy pH measurement in processes where glass-bulb sensors have previously been unsuitable.

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