Technical Data for EasyClean100, 150 and 200e

Technical Data for EasyClean100, 150 and 200e
Technical Data for EasyClean100, 150 and 200e

Only a clean sensor can provide reliable and accurate measurement results. With our EasyClean® systems, cleaning and calibration of sensors can be fully automated. Both the cleaning interval and the duration of flushing can be individually programmed for specific applications.

The EasyClean range starts with two comparatively basic versions intended for straightforward sensor flushing, the EasyClean 100 and EasyClean 150. These two systems are primarily intended for applications where con tamination occurs in the form of water-soluble substances.

The EasyClean 200e can, besides the use of water alone, also be employed for cleaning with the aid of chemical solutions. Concentrated cleaning agent of your choice is pumped directly to the tip of the sensor. Cleaning and rinsing times as well as the cleaning interval can be adjusted individually.

Technical Data for EasyClean100, 150 and 200e

Only a clean sensor can provide reliable and accurate measurement results. With our EasyClean® systems, cleaning and calibration of sensors can be fully automated. Both the cleaning interval and the duration of flushing can be individually programmed for specific applications.

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