Multichannel pipettes are an enhanced version of the classic pipette, a handheld tool that dispenses precise amounts of liquids across multiple channels. Ideal for high-throughput applications, multichannel pipettes are available manual or electronic in 8- or 12-channel formats. Rainin offers ergonomic multichannel pipettes with superior sample pickup across all channels. For a variation of the multichannel, the adjustable spacer accurately pipettes samples from tubes with a flick of the wrist.
Pipet-Lite Multi Pipette L8-10XLS+
Pipet-Lite Multi Pipette L8-20XLS+
Pipet-Lite Multi Pipette L8-50XLS+
Pipet-Lite Multi Pipette L8-200XLS+
With accuracy and precision that is better than or equal to other premium pipette brands, XLS+ pipettes deliver data you can trust. With 11 models to choose from, Pipet-Lite XLS+ offers the most pipetting volume ranges, from 0.1 µL to 20 mL.
The LTS system creates consistent sample loading on all channels. Get perfect sealing – first time, every time – without rocking or hand-tightening. And with LTS, tip ejection force is just 0.6 kg.
With sure-fit handles, lighter springs, “stiction-less” low-drag seals, and Rainin's patented LiteTouch System™ technology, Pipet-Lite XLS+ pipettes perform all day without causing pain or discomfort.
A redesigned ergonomic handle rests perfectly in the hand, reducing tiredness without compromising pipetting performance.
Speed up your plate work with Rainin’s E4 XLS+ electronic multichannel pipettes. Special modes streamline how you transfer multiple aliquots, perform serial dilutions and program complex pipetting routines.
Patented LTS tip and nozzle design provides exceptionally easy multichannel tip mounting. Try it – you’ll be amazed how easy it is to get absolutely consistent sample pickup across all channels.
Modos de multidispensação, homogeneização e outros modos de pipetagem na pipeta multicanal E4 XLS+ são fáceis de usar e minimizam o tempo de configuração para um trabalho de alto rendimento. Saiba mais
A pipeta multicanal manual Pipet-Lite XLS+ oferece novas extremidades de líquido, feitas de materiais leves e duráveis, e novos designs mecânicos. Saiba mais
Feitas de polipropileno 100% virgem em uma instalação de sala limpa Classe 100.000 totalmente automatizada, as ponteiras de pipeta Rainin fornecem excelente clareza e flexibilidade para um toque preciso. Saiba mais
O sistema de aspiração a vácuo QuickFlow da Rainin oferece ergonomia excepcional e uma ampla variedade de recursos. Saiba mais
O serviço de calibração e manutenção preventiva de pipetas reduz significativamente custos, riscos e responsabilidades associados a pipetas fora de calibração. Saiba mais
A multichannel pipette is a handheld mechanical instrument used in many life science laboratories. Multichannel pipettes typically have either 8 or 12 channels that can transfer small volumes of liquid simultaneously through individual tips.
The multiple channels enable the uptake of samples several times in parallel, increasing the throughput of workflows involving 96- or 384-well plates. Multichannel pipettes are available in manual and electronic models. The volume of liquid transfer, required precision and degree of repetition are factors to consider when choosing between the two.
Multichannel pipettes are recommended when transferring reagents from reservoirs into well plates or between well plates of different sizes.
Multichannel pipettes offer the convenience of accelerating liquid transfer up to 12 times in a single operation when compared to single channel pipettes (e.g., transferring liquid 12 times using a single channel pipette is more time-consuming than using a 12-channel pipette).
There are many 8- and 12-channel pipettes offered on the market. But there are two reasons why Rainin multichannel pipettes are unique: