• Rainin Quick Check

Taking a few minutes to assess whether or not your pipettes are performing within tolerances is an excellent way to assure data integrity and reduce your overall risk.

You can quickly verify the accuracy of most pipettes using a gravimetric balance and vessel, some deionized water and a work area that's free from drafts, direct sunlight and vibration.

It's easy! Let us show you how.

Rainin Quick Check Videos
Rainin Quick Check Videos

Online tutorial

We've put together a short video to guide you through every step in performing a Quick Check.

Rainin Quick Check Poster
Rainin Quick Check Poster

Free poster

Hang our free poster in your lab to remind your entire team how easy it is to perform a simple Quick Check.

Rainin Quick Check Worksheet
Rainin Quick Check Worksheet


We've created a Quick Check worksheet to help you record and calculate your data.

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