Geological Survey & Ore Preparations

Solutions for Mining Industry

In assay laboratories and mines, weighing regulus, lead buttons and ore samples require accurate and reliable instruments. METTLER TOLEDO offers a broad portfolio of high precision balances weighing to the nearest 0.0000001 g up to 64 kg.

Convenient and Accurate Regulus Weighing

With our Micro and Ultra Micro Balance, characterized by low repeatability and short stabilization time, weighing of precious metal samples for fire assay becomes reliable and fast. A specially designed funnel set allows accurate weighing of even the smallest samples, such as prill and regulus, in a very short time.  

Simple and Efficient Sample Handling

Tare containers of all shapes and sizes can be securely positioned on the XP and XS balances with ErgoClips – the special tare container holder. This allows direct dosing of precious samples into the desired vessel minimizing sample loss.

Precision Balances Defy Dust

Weighing in dusty mine environments places high demands on the equipment used. With the XP Excellence Precision Balances, classified according to IP54 safety class, METTLER TOLEDO offers a balance that is perfectly equipped to withstand dust and water and consistently produce accurate weighing results.

XP Microbalances & Ultra Microbalances
One Click™ Weighing Solutions
  ErgoClips Tare Container Holder
  XP Precision Balances
XP-L Precision Balances

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