Extractive Cell Adaption for GPro 500

Extractive Cell Adaption for GPro 500

Retrofit Paramagnetic and NDIR with TDL

Tunable diode laser gas analyzers offer accuracy, convenience, and reliabiilty. The extractive cell adaption for the GPro 500 TDL is the optimal way to replace maintenance-prone paramagnetic and NDIR extractive systems.

Directly Replace Outdated Analyzers
The GPro 500 with leading-edge tunable diode laser technology can easily replace aging paramagnetic or NDIR analyzers.

Works with Existing Sampling System
The GPro 500 with extractive cell can be installed directly after an existing sampling and conditioning system for a quick, inexpensive retrofit.

No Alignment Necessary
Unlike most traditional cross-pipe TDL analyzers, the extractive GPro 500 does not need alignment, significantly reducing the risk of downtime.


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Specifications - Extractive Cell Adaption for GPro 500

Effective path length 200 mm, 400 mm, 800 mm, 1 m, 8 m (7.87", 15.75", 31.50", 39.37", 315")
Gas Measured Integrates with GPro 500 analyzers for Oxygen, CO₂, CO, HCl, H₂S, Moisture, Methane, Ammonia
Lower Detection Limit Based on analyzer chosen
Short description This process adaption connects to a GPro 500 gas analyzer where conditioning and sampling are required.
Process Adaption or Sensor Process Adaption

Features and Benefits

TDL Technology in an Extractive Cell
Tunable diode laser technology offers a reliable, drift-free, and accurate method for measuring gas concentrations in a gas stream. While typically used in situ, some applications require sampling and conditioning. The extractive GPro 500 fits these processes.
Flexible and Consistent Platform
For Challenging Process Conditions
Contrary to paramagnetic extractive systems, the extractive GPro 500 can measure accurately even at very high flow speeds. It measures precisely up to 250 °C (482 °F) and at pressures that exceed standard controlled ambient pressure.
Fast, Intuitive Navigation
No Interference from Background Gases
The GPro 500 gas analyzer ensures you have an accurate measurement, even when background gases are present. Advanced signal processing technology in the GPro 500 gives you truly reliable measurements, without the risk of interference.
Plug and Measure
Non-Contacting for Corrosive Gas Streams
Gas measurement systems often have challenges with corrosive gases, as they can destroy the analyzer. The GPro 500 with extractive cell adaption uses a non-contacting measurement technology, so it can be used in conditions where corrosive gases are present.
Easy Configuration


Datasheet: Extractive Cell Adaption for GPro 500
Tunable diode laser gas analyzers offer accuracy, convenience,and reliability. The extractive cell adaption for the GPro™ 500 TDL is the optimal way t...

Technical Specifications

Application Notes

Process Instrumentation
pH/ORP (Redox) Probes, Oxygen, CO₂, Ozone Sensors, Bioburden, Total Organic Carbon, Gas, Sodium, Silica and Chloride/Sulfate Analyzers, Transmitters

Case Studies

Gas Analyzer - Gas Sensor
These highly reliable gas analyzers are designed to provide fast response times for a variety of gases in industrial and chemical processes. Both tuna...
Minimizing Corrosion with Fast, Robust Gas Analysis
Find out in our success story how the GPro 500 is now providing Inovyn with: Greater process confidence, high measurement accuracy, low maintenance co...
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Extractive Cell Adaption for GPro 500
USP Class VI